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It is Monday, our hearing would start at 11 AM. 

She was scared, her hands were sweaty and her legs were trembling. If she was standing, she would have fallen. Eric and her dad were with the lawyer discussing something. She wanted to run away and hide somewhere away from this world.

She saw him, he looked at her and smirked. "I'll not run, I'll fight and wipe out that smirk from his face." She said with confidence.

This was the first time she came inside the court. The judge came and the hearing started.

Her lawyer has put forward all the appeals from her side and he submit her reports that verified that she was drugged and raped. Then he takes Ava's and Eric's statements. Everything was going smoothly and she believed that she'll get justice. But the tables turned when Bob's lawyer started to speak.

"I want to say whatever happened was because of drugs that were given to my client, he is innocent and he is being framed by Miss Anne," he submits Bob's test report that shows that he too was drugged.

Everyone was shocked after hearing this, who drugged him?

He continued saying, " Miss Anne from the very beginning wanted to have sexual relations with him and when he denied one day she drugged him and pretend she was being raped."

"I opposed my lord, the opponent is making stories Miss Anne never tried to do any of such things. Do you have any idea how your baseless allegations can destroy a girl's life?" 

"I am not making stories." Bob's lawyer said.

"Mr. Bob is a habitual assaulter and my client is not his first victim and in order to prove that I want to call Miss Emily in the witness box."

She came in and then Anne's lawyer started questioning her, "Tell us what Bob has done with you?"

She remained silent for some seconds and said, " He did nothing, I am sorry I cannot lie in court, I don't need your money, Mr. Eric. I can't see an innocent man getting punished because of my false testimony." She said while crying.

Everybody in court started whispering. Anne looked at Eric and he shook his head and whispered that she was lying.

"What are you saying Miss Emily?" Anne's lawyer was shocked when he heard that she changed her side suddenly. 

"I am telling the truth and I also have proof of it. I recorded our conversation." She gave a pen drive and the recording was played.

"I can not thank you enough for helping Anne in this situation," It was Eric's voice for sure.

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