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Anne and Ava were on their way to meet James. It was 11 AM and they were about to reach.

"Should we go back?" Anne asked.

"No, we are already here, if we find that something is fishy then we will go back," Ava replied with a smile.

They were standing in front of a ten-floor building.

"We have to go on the seventh floor," Anne said while pressing the 7th-floor button in the elevator.

Soon they reach in front of the glass door. As they entered they were surprisingly welcome by James.

"Hi, honestly I didn't expect that you will come this early," he said while coming toward Anne.

Anne didn't say anything but smile.

"I forgot to ask your name that day?" He asked.

"My name is Anne" she replied but soon she found that his eyes were stuck on Ava, "and she is my friend Ava."

Soon the introduction was over and James asked them if they wanted a quick tour of his gallery which both of them gladly accepted.

"You said that you are a painter but I can see there are a lot of sculptures as well," Ava asked.

"This gallery is not completely owned by me, my friend is a partner as well. His name is Bob and he'll be here by noon."

"These paintings are beautiful but those sculptures, I can't take my eyes off. "The lonely girl" is the most beautiful. I am looking forward to meeting him." Anne thought.

"These are beautiful, " Ava said.

"Your eyes are beautiful," James replied.

After completing their gallery tour they came to his cabin and were talking about random stuff till Bob entered. They greeted each other.

"Here comes another vampire." Ava and Anne thought.

They looked at each other and smiled because both knew they were thinking the same thing.

Later they talked about Anne's work and Anne agreed to all terms and conditions, they exchanged phone numbers, and James promised to give her a call as the contract is ready.

Everything happens pretty fast, they were about to leave when a girl entered.

"Hi James, where is Bob?"

"Oh! Hi, he is in his room." 

She nodded and went in.

"She is Sam, his student."

"He teaches as well?" Anne asked out of curiosity.

"Yes, but only to a few people. He is very moody, most of the time he ends up kicking his students who don't take this art seriously," he said laughingly.

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