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"I don't know, I have this feeling that I'll ruin everything."

"It's okay if you want to try, I can help you and Bob will also love to help."

"I am not sure James."

"It is okay, whenever you want you can tell me."

Anne nodded, they said goodbye to each other and she headed toward the dorm, thinking what she should do?

Five days later she finally said to James that she wanted to try it.

Bob was not there by now, so James took her to his room. He asked her to wait till Bob came and he left as he had to attend a meeting with his sponsor. But Anne now was finding it difficult to resist.

She goes near the table where Bob used to knead the clay. She folded her sleeves and started kneading the clay. She was very focused on her work. She tried to mimic Bob's art, the dress, and the girl he tried to make for the past seven-eight days, which he completed yesterday. 

Two hours have passed and neither James nor Bob come, after fifteen minutes someone enters but she was too focused to see who was at the door, her hands stop working when she feels a pair of white hands on her hands covered with clay. She tried to move back but the grip of those hands was tight.

"Shussshhh, relax it is me, Bob", he said while loosening his grip. 

Anne was too shocked to say something. He was giving that statue a perfect shape by holding Anne's hand. She was standing there stiff, not knowing what to do. 

She could feel his hot breath on her exposed neck and shoulder. After a few minutes, he backed off and looked at the statue, and said," Perfect".

Anne turned her back and now she was facing him.

Before she could say anything, he asked her, "What are you doing here?"

"James asked me to...."

"James asked you to wait for me, I don't like it if someone touches anything related to my work without my permission." He said directly, giving her a death glare.

"I am sorry, this will never happen again."

"Do you want to learn?" He asked.

Anne was quiet, not sure what to say. But she nodded after a few seconds.

"Good, I'll teach you then. Be here at 6 AM, I don't like people who are late on their first day." Bob said, his voice holding an authority.

Anne nodded and left the place.

"Should I give it a try? But Bob is weird. I sometimes feel uncomfortable with him. Maybe I am just overthinking," she thought.

She reaches the dorm and does a video call with Eric.

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