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She cried her heart out. She could hear him banging the gate, after fifteen minutes or so she opened the gate. He hugged her tightly. He took Anne to the dining table, where her mom and dad were already waiting for her.

"I know you are disappointed but this step was important."

They told her something that shocked her. Her dad's friend means her lawyer has done a deal with Bob and if they will let him handle her case they will lose for sure.

"How could he? I have known him since I was a child, he used to treat me like his daughter. How could he be so low?" She asked.

Her dad was more shocked hearing about him, Eric told her father about him before the trial and he didn't believe Eric first but when Eric showed him his photographs when he met James plus in the courtroom he was not presenting the facts that could prove the innocence of Anne. 

She was asking this question again and again, "why was he helping Bob?"

Eric answered her question, "he did it for money."

"Greedy", she thought in her mind. She was too shocked to react. 

Her dad was startled because he never thought that his friend would stab him in the back, especially when he needed him the most. 

Now the lawyer who came to see her in hospital will represent her case in court. Eric assured her by saying," I'll do everything that is in my power Baby, we will win this time."

Eric thought,"I can understand how she must be feeling. When I told her father about their friend, I mean lawyer, he was shocked at first, we argued but when in court he did not call the doctor for testimony he believed me.
I got a few more pieces of evidence against Bob but I decided to hide it till our next hearing. Bob is not a simple person, he has many political and high-level connections but he had touched the wrong person this time.
He will pay the price for touching my girl, for making her pathetic. She has become scared of me because of that jerk, she wanted to break up with me because of him. She was cursing herself all the time. He will pay for every tear she shed. He will feel the hell in real life. Bob, your days are gone now, just wait for the next hearing and your chapter will be closed and that too for forever."

Anne was talking with her parents when he got a call. He excused himself and came out of their house. 

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