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"Yes", she said while tightening the hug.

"Call me every day," he said while breaking the hug.


"Pick up my phone every time I call you even if it is midnight."

She smiled and he continued, " If you miss my calls more than three times, I'll come there and stay with you."

"Do you even know the address?"

"Yes, it's 53 Park Avenue, Suki Sen complex near…."

"How did you know?" She asked.

"I asked your father."

"And he told you?"

"Yes," he said with a smile and continued, "you seemed surprised". 

" I am surprised. How does dad tell you?"

Eric smiled and before he could say anything Ava came in and asked them to join him for dinner. 

"This is our last dinner together before I move to Shanghai." She thought, "I'll miss Ava and Eric."

They went for a walk. Ava started crying after a few minutes, "Please don't go, I'll miss you."

Anne hugged her and tried to console her. "I know I am being selfish. I am her only friend, she has no one here except me even Nathan is out of town and God knows when he'll be back," she felt bad for her. 

"I don't want to be here anymore, I know I am running, I know I'm hiding but this is the only thing I want to do as of now. I am not a coward. All I need is time and distance from everything that could remind me of Bob or that wretched day." She thought.

They came back after sending Ava to her grandparent's house which is near to their house. Anne and Eric were in her room chatting when he suddenly asked her," Princess, did you get your period?"

 She was hurt by that question. She questioned herself if everything is still the same in their relationship? Maybe yes…. Or maybe No. 

"No, not yet," she said without any expression. 

Eric changed the topic in no time, he realized that he spoiled the mood. 

They talked till 2 AM and no one knew when they drifted to dreamland. 

The next morning, Eric woke up and saw that Anne was not with him. He searched but she was nowhere to find. He asked Ema and she said that Anne and Ava went to their dorm to pick up her things. 

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