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Her lower body was aching but her heart pain was more than the body pain. Her eyes landed on her wrist, it was full of marks. She felt an urge to throw up but she was on IV. She removed the drip from the cannula and ran toward the washroom. She threw up and when she came to the basin to clean herself, her eyes landed on the mirror that was hanging on the wall, her neck was full of scars. She unbuttoned her shirt and her  eyes became blurry after seeing his imprints everywhere. 

She quickly buttoned her shirt and washed her face. 

She came out and saw Eric. He came toward her and took her to the bed. He was caring as usual but this time she felt burdensome. He tugged her in a blanket and was caressing her cheeks. Anne was looking at him, thousands of emotions were going through her mind. She was barely controlling herself.

They had eye contact for almost two minutes but no one dared to say anything. The silence was killing them. Ava came in and said, "Cops are here, they want to take your statement."

"Why?" She asked though she knew the answer. She asked hoping that whatever she had gone through was a nightmare. 

Ava came and sat beside her, she held her arm and said," Don't be afraid, tell them honestly whatever has happened. We are here for you. You are a strong girl, right Eric?" She said while looking at Eric.

Eric nodded and gave her a weak smile with teary eyes. 

The cops entered and along with them a lawyer also came, Eric introduced her to him, a mid-aged man who works for "The Davis".

She was very uncomfortable, so she asked Eric to leave the room and he did so. She told them everything and then they left and talked with her doctor. 

" I think you should get some rest now," Ava said while giving her medicine.

She nodded and laid down after taking those medicines, soon her eyes felt heavy and she slept.  

She woke up at 7 am, and soon what had happened yesterday came in front of her eyes, her eyes were filled to the brim. She wiped my tears as she saw Eric holding her hand and keeping his head on her bed. He looked very peaceful, for a moment she forgot about yesterday but soon she came to her senses.

She freed her hand from his hand gently but he woke up, " I'll bring water," he said while caressing her cheek.

"Eric I don't need water, I just want to be alone," she said with a straight face.

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