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Everything appears normal but it was not. He was tense. She could see that in his eyes. She was very sure he didn't sleep for a second entire night." I wish Eric had never told him about that," Anne thought but one part of her was saying that he had done the right thing telling them. 

Her mom and Eric wake up and come into the dining hall, she takes a deep breath after seeing Anne sitting there and eating the pancakes. 

She tries her best to lighten the mood but all of them know that they all are faking everything. 

She came back to his room and took her phone and switched it on. She saw many messages from James. He asked her to call him urgently, he needed to tell her something. She decided to ignore him and lay down on his bed. 

Everyone had their breakfast and they came into the room and once again started saying that she should file a suit against him. Dhe too wanted to see him behind bars but she was scared to face him again, she was scared of questions that they would ask her during the investigation and in court. 

Where did he touch you? Why didn't you oppose it at first? Why did you stay there alone with him if you had doubts about his evil intentions? And whatnot. No girl can answer these questions. 

She left the room saying "I want to be alone." Her mom and dad followed her to the other room. 

Eric was about to follow her but a phone vibrated. He looked around and saw that Anne's phone was vibrating. He was not very sure," should I pick it up or not?" He asked himself and finally answered it. It was James on another side, after an awkward introduction, he asked Eric about Anne. He told him the truth, James apologized for whatever had happened. Eric knew James was not at fault, that's why he let it slide. 

But later James told him something which his ears didn't believe. He gave Eric a phone number and he decided to call on that. 

Anne was not the only victim of him, he did the same with other girls as well. A girl filed suit against him but he won because Bob proved in court that whatever happened was mutual. 

Eric called her and she told him how he had molest her. She promised to appear in court as she also wanted to see him getting punished, "I know a few more of his victims and they are also ready to help," she said. Eric can't thank her enough, he was sure that they could win easily if only Anne filed a suit. 

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