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They came back home. Eric wanted to come with them but Anne's dad told him to go back and attend college. 

He is supposed to be in flight now, "he throws a fit but no one can win against my dad" Anne thought. Ava came with her, they were sitting in her room. 

"James is a jerk, I never in my wildest dream thought that he would accomplish Bob in his crime, he even makes us fall for his cheap trick.... that girl..... I can not believe we let them make us fool."

"Calm down Ava," Anne said, taking a deep breath. In her mind, she was way too hyper but she was sure that nothing was going to work out if she remained in that stage, she needed peace. 

She knew that her father was angry with Eric because they got to know about Emily through him but he was not at fault. It was their shortcoming that they did believe that idiot, James. 

"What's he saying, I was flirting with him? Liar." 

Anne was boiling thinking about what had happened in court.

Ava was constantly saying something, so she asked her to leave her alone. She knew that she was rude but she was not in a condition to think rationally. 

She was lying on her bed glaring at the roof thinking about how to uncover the truth. "Should I bribe James?" She questioned herself.

"No, it will not help. If Bob is found guilty his (James) credibility will also decrease. What to do?" She shouted, grabbing her hair.

Her attention was diverted when her phone rang, it was Eric. Without wasting a single second she picked up his call. She wanted to talk with him but he seemed to be in a hurry. He asked her some questions about that day and then hung up. "He hung up on me without asking how I was?" She thought and her anger was at its peak when her father came in with the lawyer and started asking her again about that day. "Why don't they just let me breathe?" She thought and started crying and screaming which she later regretted. "Not only me but my family and loved ones are also suffering," that thought calmed her down and she hugged her father. He hugged her back and patted her back and said, "Everything will be fine Anne, I promise I will make everything fine." He kissed her forehead and headed toward the guest room with the lawyer.

Ema came in as soon as her dad left. She hugged her and Anne drifted to sleep.

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