20 6 2

Anne was in the library from the past 8 hours. Eric called her.

"Where are you?" Eric asked her.

"I am in the library," Anne whispered, scanning if anyone is getting disturbed by her. But everyone was busy with their studies.

"Anne, you need to rest, baby."

"I am okay."

"But I am not okay. Go and eat something first, I am very sure you skipped your lunch." Eric shows his concern.

"Eric I'll eat later and now you need to hang up the phone. I am in the library and other people are getting disturbed."

"Go and eat first only then I'll hang." Eric was behaving like a kid.

"Not a problem, I'll hang up," Anne whispered with a smirk.

"Do not dare."

"Otherwise, what will you do?"

"You can not handle the consequences, baby?" he said in a sexy voice.

"Okay, I am going," She gathered her books and came out, and started moving toward the cafeteria. "Happy now."

"Yes, my lady."

"How is your preparation going on?"

"Better than I expected."

"Means you are going to top again. Let's exchange our brains."

"You cannot handle my brain because it is full of dirty things."

"Ewwwwwwww Eric please do not start again," Anne said more as she yelled.

They continue talking till Anne finishes her food and goes back to the library.

Next day
6 AM

Anne's phone ranged.

"Hi dad Good morning"

"Good morning Anne".

" You woke up early today."

"I have not slept yet."

"Anne, I have told you so many times that staying up late is not good for your health and eight hours of sleep is important for the body to work."

"Okay okay Dad, I know. I will follow a nice routine after my exams are over." Anne said while flipping through the papers of her book.

"That's like my daughter," he said with a smile. "Anne, come home after your exams are over."

"I'll try dad."

"No, you have to come. Otherwise, I will come and bring you with me."

Anne giggled and said, "Yes".

"All the best," he said and hung up the phone.

Anne and Eric both have exams today, they wish good luck to each other and go to their respective exam center.

Anne's exams finished after a week but Eric had two exams left.

She decided to go home.

"Where are you guys planning to go without me?" Anne asked her parents.

Her parents were startled because she announced.

"You scared us, when did you come?" her mother asked.

"When you were pushing the stuff in that bag," she said with a smile.

"We need to talk about something, Anne." Finally, her dad said.

"Why do I feel you all are planning to go out without me?"

Her father's smile dropped.

Anne noticed that and asked, "When will you come back?"

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