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She came back to her senses with a tight hug from Ava and Eric. What???? ERIC? What is he doing here?

"Happy birthday babe"

"Happy birthday bestie" 

They said in unison.

"Thank you", she was finding it difficult to speak. 

She wanted to fight with Eric but because of Ava, he was saved for now. 

They cut her birthday cake in the bakery and then started going toward the dorm while chitchatting.

Anne and Ava were about to enter the dorm but Ava said, "Where do you think you are going?" 

"In our room. "

"Wait here," She said and ran in and then came out with a bag. "Don't come before Monday. I'll take care of your shift and classes. Get lost now. " She said while gasping.

Anne was still angry with Eric, she wanted to go but her inner self was telling her not to go.

Finally, she said, "I don't want to go."

Ava and Eric looked at her. They wanted to make sure that they heard the right thing. 

"I don't want to go." She repeats herself.

"No one is asking you. Eric, take her with you." Ava said while pushing the bag into Anne's hands. "Don't show me your face before Monday or I'll break it and your birthday gift is in it." She said while pointing at the bag. "Just go already." She said with frustration this time. 

Eric held Anne's hand and soon they disappeared from Ava's site. 

"You are angry."


"But it seems so."

"Why would I be angry if my boyfriend ignores my phone calls since morning. There is nothing to be angry about. Right, Eric? " Anne said with a fake smile.

Eric chuckled and then took the bag from her hands, "Let me hold it for you baby."

"Don't baby me."

"You look sexy when you are angry."

Anne looked at him, she tried her best to control her laughter but she smiled at last. 

"Eric, please never do this again." 

"You know how scared I was."

"I want to surprise you."

"But your surprises scared me. Don't do this again. Always pick up my phone. "

Eric nodded and side hugged her. 

"But where are we going? "

"At my condo. We will change and then go to some club and then party and dance."

"But I want to stay with you. Let's not go anywhere and just stay together, just the two of us."

"Okay my queen"

They were laughing and chirping but the atmosphere became tense and erotic as they enter his condo. Eric hung the bag behind the door. Both were looking into each other's eyes. They started kissing each other. The kiss was full of love, their eagerness was telling how much they missed each other, how much they missed this skinship. They break the kiss for some air and then start kissing each other again, they were so close that even air cannot pass from in between them. 

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