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It was 7 in the morning when Eric's phone ranged.

He opened one eye and put the phone on his ear.

"Good morning babe"

"Eric, it's a a video call. I can see your earhole."

"I'm sorry," he said while removing the phone from his ear.

Anne chuckled.

They talk for about half an hour and then she hangs up the phone because Ava was screaming her name.

They were following the same routine every day.

Anne attends school and then goes for a part-time job and then does her studies and talks with him.

Eric was following the same routine as well.

It's been a month. They were missing each other, missing their embrace, their kisses, their hugs and the stupidity that they had done together.

Thank God we live in the era of 3G where connecting with each other is not that difficult.

Anne's birthday was coming in two days. Eric wanted to surprise her, so he booked the ticket. Her birthday was on Friday so he decided to go back to Texas on Thursday after finishing his class. His return flight was on Monday at 3:30 am.

"I wish we could celebrate my birthday together." Anne thought, little did she know that Eric was coming.

He didn't pick her call on Thursday, she was turning into an insane person.

"Who does he think he is? " Anne said to herself. "Is he ignoring me? "

"Yes, it seems so." Her inner self said

"But why? "

"Because he is tired of you Anne. He is a playboy."

"Stop thinking like that."She said to herself.

"You always know that this day will come. I warned you."

"Stop provoking me, no one has asked about your opinion, my Eric is not like that."

"Ohhhhhh! Your Eric? Do you think that he is yours?"


" Come out of your bubble, it's your birthday in one hour and where is he?"

"He must be busy. "

"Maybe with her new girl. "

"Heyyy shut up. "

She came out from her imaginary world when Ava called her, "Let go out and bring your birthday cake."

"Ava, you are joking, right? "


"You want me to join you to bring my birthday cake."

"Yes, do you have a problem?"

"Yes, it is my birthday. You should have already prepared it."

"It's not like I'm asking you to pay for the cake, come so that we choose your favorite one."

They decided to go to a nearby bakery and buy the cake.

Soon it will be 12, she said while looking at the time. She was disappointed in Eric.

She called him once again but he didn't pick up her call. Now she was scared. Is he alright? What if something bad happened to him? Why is he not picking up my phone call? Should I go and ask his father? What if..... Her eyes were getting wet.

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