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Anne was sleeping peacefully. Eric prepared breakfast and came into the room in which she was sleeping. He sat on the bed and was looking at her. As he touched her hair she woke up.

Anne was like who am I? Who are you? What am I doing here? 

Okay, she is a terrible sleeper. 

She backed off and then remembered everything.

"Good morning princess", he came forward to kiss her. 

She put her hand in between, "Morning breath".

Her sleepy voice is very attractive. She got up from the bed and combed her hair with her fingers. 

"Breakfast is ready, go and wash up."

"Hmm," she said while going to the bathroom. "Eric I need a toothbrush".

"Use mine."


"Do you have any problem?"

She was so shocked as to be unable to speak. She quickly runs to the bathroom.

After 15 minutes she came out. They have their breakfast. Anne was doing dishes and Eric was bathing.

Later she went to the bathroom and found that her dress was hung neatly.

When did he do laundry? Wait he fixed the zipper. A smile appeared on her lips.

She took a quick shower and then came out and back hugged him. 

"Thank you."

"I love you." Eric said, "Instead of thanks, say I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you too babe."

He turned her back and now was facing her. He was about to kiss her but she ran already. 

"I should go now. Bye. "

"Wait Anne, I have to give you something." He started coming towards her. She was trapped in between the dining table and her arms. Their faces were very close. She closed her eyes. 

He looked at her and touched her nose slightly. She opened her eyes and looked at him with wide eyes. He was smirking. 

"What were you thinking?" He then placed a key on her hand. "It's my condo key. Don't lose it and don't give it back. Feel free to come here anytime and hold your horses." He said the last line while smirking.

"I am getting late." She said and ran outside. She was red already.

As she came back to the dorm Ava attacked her with questions. She was very disappointed that nothing happened between them. 

"You both are like grandpa and grandma." She stated. 

"Whatever," Anne said while rolling her eyes. She was already fed up with her questions. 

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