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He came all of a sudden and kissed her cheek. She widens her eyes at his sudden behavior.

"Eric no PDA (public display of affection)." She said while looking here and there.

"I'm sorry it took me so long."

"It's okay."

"Are we finished here? I want to go back."

I work so hard to have dinner with him here but he doesn't care. She thought.

"Yes, let's go."

He took his wallet to pay but Anne said it was her treat. She was saying bye to her a week's hard work. But what she felt bad about is that Eric didn't give her effort much recognition.

"Anne, are you tired?"

"No," she replied.

"Can we go to a party? Actually, I threw a party for my birthday."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"It will start at 8 and you asked me to come out, that's why. "

"You should have told me about the party earlier."

"Well, I am telling you this now." He said playfully.

They came out and Anne was about to book a cab when Eric stopped her. 

"I got my birthday gift."

She looked at him confusingly.

He put his hand in his pocket and then placed something on Anne's hand. 

Anne was surprised, it was a car key more specifically with the Mercedes logo. Her jaw dropped.

Later a car appears. It was a sports car. She has no clue about the model name because she was never interested in cars. 

"Dad promised to give me a sports car on my birthday." He said laughing. He was not showing off, he was genuinely happy. "Let's go".

He took Anne's hand and opened the door for her. She looked at him and then sat. She dared not to touch anything.

She has never experienced so much luxury before. 

She was looking at Eric who had just come and sat beside her. He came closer to her and she backed off. He put on Anne's seat belt while enjoying her reaction.

He pinched her cheeks. "What were you thinking princess?" he smirked.

Anne was not getting any words. So she looks down. 

"I like it when I make you lose your words." He said and kissed her cheek.

He starts the car and soon they reach a farmhouse.

He again opens the gate for her. She gently removes her seat belt. 

He put his arm on her waist and they went inside.

She meets Ava and Nathan there. Eric was meeting his friends and he introduced his friends and Anne. He never let go of her waist the entire time.

Later she figured out that he is the owner of the entire place. She was getting conscious now. He was super rich but she had no clue about it.

He was way more popular than Anne thought. 

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