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"After two years or maybe three years," her father said.

"Your dad got a promotion and we are shifting to Shanghai. Noam also got his admission there."

"When are you going?"

"Day after tomorrow."

"Why are you telling me this now only?"

"You had your exams earlier," her father said," and I know you will be disturbed by this news."

"Can you take me with you?" She asked, hugging her father.

"Yes, you can come if you want to," her father said while caressing her hair.

"Okay, then I am not coming."

Both of them were surprised by her reply, they looked at each other and then at Anne and asked together, "Why?"

"Because I thought that you were abandoning me but now when I am sure you are not, so I am not coming with you, I will come to meet you and after all, it is only for a year. I will prepare to get admission to a good college."

Later Anne helped them in packing and they spent their quality time together. She even slept with them because she knew she'll going to miss them.

Finally, the day came when they had to part. It was an emotional scene. Her father, she loves him most. They spend their weekends together.

She never forgets to bring chocolates and sweets for her younger sibling Noam whenever she visits (of course, she hides them from her mother because she scolds her for spoiling him). 

Her mother, the first person to call her in the morning, is her best friend. A person who always supports her.

They all share an emotional bond. They share the last family hug and then move to the airport.

Two days later

Anne and Eric were discussing her college admission. Eric wanted Anne to join Harvard but Anne was skeptical about it.

"Eric, I can not come there, I am pretty sure."

"At least apply," Eric replied.

"It's Harvard Eric, I am an average student."

"But you have to apply, why are you thinking negatively?"

"Okay, I will."

"I miss you, babe. I hate this long-distance , that's why I am asking you to come here."

"I too miss you Eric but it is Harvard University....."

"We are not going to talk about it again. Am I clear?"

"Okay", Anne said in a low voice.

Later, they continue their lovey-dovey talk till Anne and Eric both have to go for their part-time work.

Anne changed into blue jeans and a classic white top and grabbed her umbrella as it was raining.

"You are three minutes late," her boss said with a poker face. But she smiled and said, "I love you, boss."

Boss chuckled and said, "You have to manage everything today because I am going on a date."

"Finally, I am boss today," Anne said with a smile.

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