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"He is very busy these days and we have not had a proper conversation for the past few days. When today I said you are always busy, he said I am behaving immaturely. I became angry and hung up his phone and he has not even called me back. This is annoying, he has changed and you know he even shouted at me." Anne finally spills the tea in front of her best friend.

"First long-distance fight," Ava said in a mischievous tone.

Anne gave her deadly glare but she ignored it and said, " Do not worry, he will call you by evening." She patted her shoulder and started doing dishes.

"I wish the same," Anne said.

Finally, he came back. "I need to call her." He thought and  looked at the time "she must be at the restaurant, I will call her later", he said.

One hour later-

He called Anne and she picked up the phone after some time.



This is awkward. Both of them thought.

"Are you back?"

"Yeah, I just arrived," Anne answered.

"How was your day?"

"It was going good but someone ruined it."

Eric understood what she was pointing at.

"Let's do a video call," Eric said.

"No, I am busy," Anne said while rolling her eyes.

"Okay, I am sorry baby, this will not happen again."

"Why are you sorry, it was me who was behaving immature, right Eric?"

Eric was out of words now. She is angry, he thought in his mind.

"Baby, let's do a video call. I need to tell you something." He said in a baby voice.


"Yes, bye, pick up the phone."

"No, I'll......"

He hung up the phone before letting her complete it.

Did he just hang up on me? Anne thought.

Video call from LOVE.

"I am not picking, I will not pick, no chance Mr. Eric I am not going to pick this stupid video call of yours." And she picked up the phone.

"I am sorry baby."

"You should be."

"I am an idiot."

"Yes, you are."

"I will never do this again."

"You better otherwise I'll break your teeth," Anne warned him.

"I am sorry, did you forgive me?"

"Yes, but only this time."

"I love you, baby."


"I love you."


"I love you, Anne", he was shouting this time.

" I love you too Eric," she finally said with her cute smile.

Eric finally told her that he is teaching some kids because his father said he will not give him any pocket money.

"It is good, finally you can understand the value of money."

"Baby, please don't start."

Anne chuckled.

"Those kids are so annoying and idiot, I have to tell them everything five times or sometimes more than that," Eric complains.

"No, kids are cute, you are an idiot."

"No, they are not."

"Yes, they are."

And this goes on and on and on.

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