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They all tried to persuade her but she didn't want to file any case because she felt that she too was at fault if she stopped him when he was kissing her if she didn't lead him, nothing would have happened. 

"I want to be alone," She shouted, "Please leave me alone," she said while crying.

"Okay sweetie, if you don't want we will not talk about it again, don't stress out yourself, okay," her mother said while patting her head. 

She nodded while sobbing. Her dad and his friend left the room and she was with her mom and Eric. Soon Ava came in and told everyone that dinner was ready. No one was ready to eat but she didn't want to see them like this. 

"Mamma I am hungry, let's eat together," she said. 

She nodded and all of them had dinner. After dinner, Eric was giving her medicine. Sheasked him finally, " These are for birth control, Right?"

He froze for a moment but nodded. She took the medicine and asked him to sit near me. 

"Did you tell my parents about everything?"

He nodded again.

"Why?" She asked.

He kept on staring at her but before he could say anything, she said, "Do you like it, the mess that you have created?" She asked in the calmest voice possible.

"Baby you are taking it wrong....." He tried to defend himself.

"I am taking it wrong, seriously Mr. Eric Davis? Don't you think that you should have at least asked me, who gave you this right?" Her voice was still calm.


"Don't baby me Eric....don't..... I was sure that after whatever has happened we can't be together. I have decided to let you go. We could have kept that matter to us but you have ruined everything. Just look at them, never in my life, I became a cause of their happiness and when finally everything was going well, they were happy..... You told them everything. Do you think that they will ever be able to treat me like before? No, Mr. Eric, the answer is no whenever they will see me they will feel bad.... They will treat me differently. Why did you tell them in the first place?"

He knew she is going through so many things right now. So, he decided to not interrupt her, but whatever she is saying doesn't make any sense. 

He finally said," Anne, first of all let me clear you, whatever has happened, you are not at fault for any of that. You are a victim, so stop thinking that it was your fault. What do you think of me? I will never leave you, my feelings for you will never change, and that too because of some monster. I told your parents because they are your family, you can't...... No, you should not hide things from them," he said, trying his best to not shout.

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