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"I am happy, I must have done something very good to get you." She thought, glancing at him with love. They were talking when her parents came back, her father looked very angry and when she  asked him what happened he burst out.

"How can someone be so low? Bob's lawyer came to us for a settlement."

"How could he? How could he even think of that? Does he believe that we will forgive him for whatever he has done?" Eric said angrily.

"You rejected his offer, right?" She asked in a low voice.

"Yes, there is no way we would have accepted the settlement offer. Don't worry Anne, he will get his punishment," her mom said, hugging her.

She hugged her back and soon Lawyer Lee came and took them to the courtroom. The hearing began.

"I would like to call Mr. Samuel Smith in the witness box," lawyer Lee said. When he came to the witness box he continued and said, " Introduce yourself."

"My name is Samuel Smith and I was working for Mr. Bob, on the day of the exhibition, I was in charge of packing the sculptures and delivering them to the buyer."

"Can you tell us precisely what happened on that day?"

"At 6 PM, Mr. Bob came into the storeroom, where I was packing sculptures and asked me to leave. He said that I could continue the remaining work tomorrow, so I headed toward my home." 

"What happens afterward?"

"I came to the bus stop but soon I realized that I forgot my wallet in the storeroom. I came back and took it while going back I heard someone talking. Bob and Anne, we're talking. Anne brought coffee to him and then he hugged her. I made a video of that because I heard Miss Anne talking with a friend of hers. She told her that she might not come home today as she has to receive her boyfriend from the airport."

"Why did you make a video? Were they doing something?" Lawyer Lee asked.

"No, they were sitting far from each other. I noticed that they were attracted to each other and the way Bob was looking at Anne confirmed that he liked her. I have this feeling that they might do something, Anne might cheat on her boyfriend. So, I decided to make a video, so that in the future I can blackmail them and get some money."

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