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"Yes and that's me," Eric replied and that guy left saying sorry.

Anne was all red by now. 

Ava and Nathan were teasing them. 

"What? Stop this nonsense. I was just helping her." Eric said coldly.

They were having fun. Suddenly Ava saw Oliver and he was asking her to come out. But she ignored him and then he started calling her nonstop.

"Excuse me guys, I'll be back," she said while picking up her phone and going out.

"What do you want?"

"I know I was an as*****. I was a coward but Ava I love you. Let's be together again."

"Do you even know what love means?"

"I am sorry Ava but I recognize my mistake. Let's be together."


"Because I love you and you love me too. I can see this in your eyes."

"You have mistaken Oliver, I don't even like you anymore. My feelings for you died that day when you ran away."

"Everyone does mistake Ava."

"And my mistake was you."

"Please give me another chance."

"Just get lost and yes never call me again I don't even want to see your face," Ava shouted.

"I am not leaving until you forgive me and come back to me."

"It's never gonna happen. I moved on. I have a boyfriend now."

"You're lying."

"I am not."

"Babe let's get in. " Nathan said while placing his arm on her waist.

"Let's go, baby." She said while looking at Oliver.

They were coming inside and when Nathan saw Oliver go back he let go of her waist.

"I am sorry I just want to help you."

"I know."

"Was he your ex? "

"Yes," Ava replied while rolling her eyes.

There was silence for a few minutes and then Nathan asked, "Can we go out? I like you. I know it is not the right moment and not the right time... "

Ava saw Oliver was coming again.

She kissed Nathan and Nathan was surprised for a moment and then he responded. Oliver has gone by now so she stopped kissing him and moved back. 

"So it's our first day together," Nathan said while holding Ava's hand and Ava was silent.

Meanwhile Eric and Anne -

"Thank you for helping me."

"It's okay. I want to tell you something."


"I like you"

Anne was shocked. I know I like him but Ava likes him too. It would be wrong. I'm happy that he likes me but what should I reply? Should I say YES? Anne, you can not be this selfish. 

"I know it's too spontaneous but I liked you since the day I saw you. I know it's too sudden for you but I think I should let you know my feelings."

"Eric". Only his name came out of her mouth.


They were looking at each other and wanted to say the same thing. Anne was anxious and so was Eric.


"Let's date"

Anne said. 

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