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Bob was declared guilty. He was given 12 years of imprisonment. James was charged with 6 months imprisonment and a fine of $3000. Emily was given detention for four months and fined. 

She looked at Bob, though 12 years are not sufficient, but she was happy, happy that he was proven guilty. She felt at ease. She held her dad's hand, he hugged her. 

When Bob was given parole, she was disheartened but not broken. "I'll fight not only for myself but also for my family because 'promises are not meant to be broken' and I promise them that I'll fight. I am glad that I kept my promise." She thought and smiled. 

Lawyer Lee was congratulating them. Anne looked at Eric. He was smiling ear to ear. She held his hand  and said, "Thank you and I love you." 

"I love you more", he said with a smile.

They came outside the court, she saw Bob and James, they were in handcuffs. Seeing them in handcuffs satisfied her. Bob stopped and said to the cop who was with him, " Let me talk with her for a second," which he allowed him.

He came near Anne and said," Doll, I promise you will pay the price, even if it takes 12 years or even more. Never forget me, never forget what happened that day. I'll do that again and you will beg me again."

She slapped him tightly, he tilted his head, "You are sick. I thought you were a good man but you proved me wrong. What did you get after raping me? You are imprisoned, you were talented, you could have achieved something very big but because of your lust, you will waste 12 years of your life, and do you think that you can live comfortably after coming out? No, everyone will always remember you as a rapist. Not only you but all your close ones will suffer because of your actions, I can hear people calling your father a rapist's father." She split fire which he deserved.

He boiled up and was about to hit her back but Eric stopped him by holding his hand. Bob took a step backward and glared at Anne and said, "I'll make sure that you will regret every word you said. The more you beg me the more I'll make you suffer. Even if I am in prison, I'll make sure that you will never forget what I did to you." He said with a smirk.

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