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She reached there (gallery cum workplace). Anne folded her sleeves and started doing her work. A few hours later the sleeve unfolded and Bob noticed that and he folded her sleeves, his long fingers touching her wrist and arm. She wanted him to stop, his touch always irritates her but she tried her best to keep myself calm. Soon the door opened revealing James, he was angry but the moment he saw Anne he smiled and took Bob out with him. They were fighting. She had heard that but what they were talking about was not clear. 

She decided to ignore them and engulfed herself in her work again. "This place appears more beautiful and peaceful when Bob is not here. I know I sound sick, he is such a helpful person and I think he is a pervert." She thought.

After half an hour he came and said," Anne, let's finish for the day and I am going out for three days, so you have to practice at home. Don't become lazy because you are new in this field but your competition is with experienced people. I want you to do your best."

She nodded and wrapped up while washing her hands she thought, "I had so many questions in my mind but I know he will not answer any of them." She came out of the bathroom and saw an impatient Bob, he looked tense. She asked him if everything was alright and he hugged me. Her body stiffened, she was shocked. She never expected him to hug her. 

After a few seconds, he breaks the hug and pinches her cheeks, and says, " Everything is alright Doll, practice hard and take care of yourself. I'll come back soon."

Before she could say anything to him, James called his name and he went out leaving her alone.

She came back to her dorm because she still had two hours before going to the restaurant. Ava bought lunch for her and while eating lunch she wanted to tell her about Bob and his behavior, "he called me a doll, this is odd." She thought. But she changed her mind and only told her that she didn't have to go for three days.

"So, you are going to annoy me?" Ava asked giggling.

"Yes, if you wake up from your dreamland no I should say from your beauty sleep then I might annoy you." 

In the evening she called Eric and he told her that he will come here after two days because he has some business here. Anne was super excited to meet him. "Last time I was this excited when Avengers: Endgame was released, though, I cried very much," She said.

They talked about some random things then Eric started flirting and to piss him she started talking with Ava.

"Hey hey..... Talk with her later, you live with her. This is my time baby." 

After a few minutes, he said, "Okay I will skip the dirty talk." 

She chuckled and said," You know you ccan't win against me then why do you even try?"

"It is my love princess that I let you win." 

She laughed at his statement and they continued our talk till Anne drifted to sleep.

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