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She came out of her world when Ava shook her and asked, "what are you thinking?"


"Liar, you are smiling like an idiot, and look at these blush cheeks."

"I was thinking about what surprise Eric is preparing for our first anniversary."


"Don't tell me you forget."

Ava nodded, earning a chuckle from Anne.

Their talk was disturbed when Eric called.

Anne has not told anyone about Bob nor Ava and neither Eric. She was not sure if she really wanted to be a sculptor or not. Sculpture fascinates her but she is not confident about how everyone will react.

She talks with Eric and then goes to sleep, her body needs to rest because she has a long day today and a tiring day waiting ahead tomorrow.

Next day-

"I am late", she said under her breath while grabbing an apple and rushing out.

She somehow managed to reach on time. As she opens the door she gets a strong glare from Bob. 

"Good morning", she said, ignoring eye contact.

" Morning", he replied.

He asks her to knead the clay while he sits back on the chair and relaxes.

After a few minutes, she feels someone's hand on her hands. Her back was touching his wide chest, his hand trapping her in between the table and his body.

Her breath stopped. It was not something she was liking but decided to ignore it.

"Your hands are way too soft to be a sculptor." He said while touching her hands with his big and rough hands.

"I didn't reply to anything. His touch is weird, I don't like it. Is he taking advantage?

No, he is not. Anne, get a hold of yourself, he is trying to assist you. He does not appear like a molester and I don't think he is one. 

He is just helping you, you came to ask if he can teach you, and now if you back off, things will become horrible." She thought and remained quiet for a while.

"I think it is done", she said without shuttering. 

"Few more minutes and it will be done", Bob said in the softest voice.

She removed her hands slowly but his hands were still busy in the clay. Finally, he backed off and she let out a deep breath.

He pulled a chair in front of the table and sat on it. He was giving her instructions and she was following them. She herself was surprised how she was doing everything almost perfectly. She was very engulfed that she forgot that Bob was sitting in front of her. 

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