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Happy reading 💟

"Would he be angry? What have you done Anne you are dating for the past ten months then what is the problem? I don't know.  I was feeling good but all a sudden I was feeling scared." She said to herself.

Her eyes filled with tears. 

Soon Eric came back to the room,  he saw Anne head down on her knees, she was sobbing.

"Baby I'm sorry. " He said while hugging her. 

"I'm sorry Eric, I ruined our moment."

"Wait... Why are you sorry? I am sorry because I didn't ask you before. You should never be sorry for something that you are not comfortable with." Eric said while wiping her tears. 

"I wanted to do this, I was enjoying it but suddenly I felt scared." She said while hugging him.

"Shhhhh It's okay baby. Everything is alright."

" I thought you would get angry."

"Why would I?"

"Because I... "

"You didn't let me have sex with you. Come on Anne! What do you think of me? "

"Then why did you run out?"

"Because I have to....." He looked at her. 

"Anne you know how to have sex?"

She nodded.

"How do you know? "

"Ava told me once." She said innocently.

"Have you ever watched porn?"

She opens her eyes wide at his unexpected question.

"No," she said,  more like she whispered.

He hugged her and then kissed her forehead.

"You are such a baby. I have to teach you everything." He said while kissing her forehead. "Let's sleep my innocent princess." He said while wrapping her in his arms. 

Soon they both drifted to sleep. 

Fifteen days later

The result was out and Eric rocked it. Anne was happy for him, she passed with average marks. 

Eric still didn't figure out what he wanted to do, his father suggested he either go with business studies or do hotel management, he opted for business studies and applied for Harvard, where he was accepted.

"So, finally you are going? " Anne said while helping him in packing his stuff.

"Seem so"

"It's weird"

"For me too", Eric said.

"You are not going to forget about me, right?"

"Maybe not." He said while pulling her closer. 

Anne pushed him, saying, "Maybe?"

"Let's do this later and cuddle for some time. "Eric said grabbing her again. 

"I'll miss you," Anne said while controlling her tears. 

"I'll miss you more."

I'll see you tomorrow with a new chapter, till then you can tell me how the story is going, are you liking it or not?

I am always ready for new suggestions and ideas and if you find any grammatical errors, please feel free to point them, I will correct them.

Thank you for your love and support 💕

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