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Let's talk about the theme or story, so there are seven brides of different countries and each of them has different stories, none of them wanted to get married but they have to get married.

One was forced by her parents to get married, one is getting married to her boyfriend but she gets to know that his boyfriend cheated on her on their wedding day, one is pregnant and getting married to her boyfriend who never wants to have kids so she is confused what to do.

Like this, there are seven different stories and in the end, he will draw every bride in a different world. One has free herself from an unloving marriage, she drowns herself to death. Another run on her wedding day. One calls off her marriage and one is getting married not knowing if she is doing the right thing or not.

She was sitting in front of a mirror as James instructed her to pose. After thirty minutes, she realized that it was not as easy as it appeared. Every time she changed her posture, she got scolded by him.

I'll never be a model again, she was promising this to herself again and again.

Suddenly, her eyes landed on Bob who entered another room, they were separated by a small glass window that was dark from his side, because he had not seen Anne and James yet. 

He looked frustrated, suddenly he removed her jacket and shirt, Anne was staring at his half-naked body shamelessly. Reality hit her and she was now looking at the ground but her eyes found their way back to him. He was kneading the clay and later he engulfed himself into his work. 

She was not sure what she was attracted to? Was this vampire or his art has taken her attention?

Her eyes were glued to Bob. Almost half an hour passed and she could see him still focused on his work. What is he making? She asked this herself. "I don't know but whatever it is it looks good. He is carving something on something he made, which looks like a lamp or maybe a mountain but it does not appear like a normal one, it doesn't have a peak." She thought.

She hears James calling her name. She looked at him immediately, "I think he noticed me staring at Bob because he was smirking." She thought.

"Anne, we need to change your makeup and I need to do something with your dress."

She nodded.

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