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It was night. A very quite night.

But not for Hongjoong. Sweaty, with a glass in his hand, he danced on the dance floor, with his best friend Yunho, and his boyfriend Mingi.

He was so innocent and sweet but, did he know he was watched...


With a smirk, Seonghwa sat in front of his computer and watched the blonde haired male dancing.

Park Seonghwa. A dangerous man. Also known as the most wanted and feared mafia leader in South Korea. He never missed a goal or lost a mission with his team. You might think he didn't have any weak points as strong as he was. But you were mistaken.

There was something that made him weak. Rather, someone.

He was obsessed with the younger.

Everything started in primary school. They met there for the first time. Well, not really. Seonghwa was two classes above him and had an eye on the smaller one. He was too shy to address him and Hongjoong never noticed him. He always thought it was friendship he wanted, but soon he knew he wasn't right and wanted more.

But when Seonghwa turned 17, he had to let go of his long love and take over the mafia of his deceased parents.

Over the years, his territory, his wealth, his experiences and his love for Hongjoong increased.

Seonghwa knew everything about him.

Hongjoong lived alone in an apartment, had an older brother (but lived in an other country), had two best friends: Mingi and Yunho, worked in a café while visiting university, loved strawberries, was intersex (but very insecure about that, he didn't like talking - or even thinking about it), loved music and the most important thing: he was a Little.

That was what Seonghwa liked most about him. His Little Space phases. He watched him through hidden cameras as Yunho had to take care of the Little. Seonghwa wished so much to be Yunho...

He had already thought a few times about having him kidnapped and then keeping him to himself. The plan was completed since one year but Seonghwa was too busy to really execute it.

That was it. Until now.

Grinning, he closed his computer and picked up his mobile phone.


SH: San, I've got a new
mission for you

S: Sure, what is

SH: Hongjoong

S: Understood

SH: Come here, I
need to talk to you

S: On my way, boss

Seonghwa didn't have to wait long until there was a knock on the door and his most faithful best friend, went through it and sat down on the chair in front of him.

"I think, I know what you've planned." Seonghwa leaned back in his armchair. "Of what did you thought?" - "I thought about taking him out of my club. He will certainly have drunk a lot. Yunho knows, he's there with him." San nodded understandingly. "But make sure that he slips into Little Space. As a Little, you don't care who is who."

San escaped again, a nod. "I'll be on my way right away." - "I won't be here until tomorrow afternoon. Take good care of the little one. If something happens to him, you're dead." San gulped and nodded. If Seonghwa meant something like that, he wouldn't hesitate to do it. Especially when it's about Hongjoong.

With an 'until then' San left the room and left Seonghwa alone.

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