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Chapter 1

"Why can't you do such a simple thing?"

Every time like this, Cheng Xiang would feel that the company invited back not employees but ancestors. A simple business contract was just for business docking, but the newly recruited salesperson told him that he didn't know how to check the contract, or even which contract to give to the customer.

It would be fine if he was a new employee who had just been on the job for one day. But he was not, she had already trained him alone for half a month. As a manager with a neither high nor low position, her time is very limited. She cannot do everything herself, nor can she waste time on such trivial matters.

Cheng Xiang felt that this period was particularly bad. The employees and upper managers in the company secretly formed several factions, but she was honored to be the sandwich cake in the middle. Employees come to her when they have unresolved problems, upper-level administrators come to her when they want to issue certain orders that offend people, and even the boss goes to her to complain behind the back of his wife. It also hinted to her that they could develop a closer relationship. The boss's partner asked her to be an insider and report the company's developments to her at any time so that he could withdraw his shares in time and stop his losses. The boss's son always inquires about his boss's activities, so that when the boss is in a good mood, he comes to ask for some pocket money. The boss's wife came to check on her every now and then and asked the boss who he had been in contact with. Everyone seems to be looking for her.

She really doesn't want to live such a complicated life, she just wants to work quietly to earn some money, save some savings to buy a house, and turn Luo Junhao into her real husband, that's all. However, God seemed to be deliberately against her.

Luo Junhao said he wanted to make a lot of money and went to Shenzhen, but she stayed in his hometown without anyone. Everything was bearable originally, but three days ago, no one answered Luo Junhao's cell phone. The boss rejected her application for activity funds after the investment failed and the shareholders withdrew their shares, and used the money on her competitor's project. She never wanted to stay here for one more second.

She also thought that Luo Junhao might be busy, might not have his phone with him, might have turned on mute and didn't pay attention, etc. But if something happens, it can be delayed for three days. No matter whether she is at night, morning or midnight, she keeps listening to the sentence "The number you dialed is currently unavailable." No matter how ignorant you are, you should understand that this person has not lost contact. , but lost contact with her unilaterally.

"Oh, Sister Cheng Xiang, you can do this. I didn't understand what you said last time."

Look, you can't blame me, it's because you said it too profoundly.

Understanding this sentence almost instantly from his eyes, Cheng Xiang took a deep breath and smiled on the surface: "Then why don't you give me your salary as well."

When it comes to salary, new employees don't be careless. , muttered: "Sister Cheng Xiang, don't be so stingy, we are already so familiar!"

What is familiar, Wen Wen last month, Huang Xiangqi last month, even He Qianli who came in half a year ago, which one is not the beginning? She talks beautifully, but turns against her when it comes time to pay her wages. Even if she pays less than a dollar, she can start a fight with her. Even when she was promoted from team leader to supervisor, several people secretly formed a clique and deliberately caused trouble for her at work.

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