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☆ 83. Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

"No, I have my own plan." It doesn't feel like working for others all the time. Cheng Xiang has the courage to start a business. How can she lose her ambition as her significant other.

"Doing computer software again? Your line of work is too intense. If you keep doing this for a long time, your body will collapse sooner or later."

Chu Xu also has hidden worries in this regard, but that was only in the past. He cherishes his life more than anyone else now. .

"You're right. I'll relax first when I come back from my job. I'll see what happens at work."

"Okay. It's okay to take a rest. When will you bring your girlfriend over?"

When it came to Cheng Xiang, Chu Xu couldn't help but Consciously look relaxed. "After National Day!"

"I'm going back there after National Day." After saying this, Uncle Chu regretted.

"I'll go back and ask her if she has time in the past two days."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to give me good news."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Xu quickened his steps and almost jogged to Cheng Xiang's community. At this moment, there are street lights everywhere, and there are old people walking with their children.

Cheng Xiang had just finished taking a shower, and her hair was still wet when she opened the door for Chu Xu.

"I thought you were going to spend the night there tonight." He let him in and grabbed a dry towel to wipe his head. Cheng Xiang crossed her legs on the carpet and placed an open notebook on the coffee table.

Chu Xu walked over and put a hand on her waist. "I can't bear to let you go. This place is warm and fragrant."

Cheng Xiang scratched his face in a funny way, "You're getting more and more glib."

"Writing materials?" His eyes fell on the notebook.

"Write a rough sketch first." Cheng Xiang handed him the notebook. "Rhetoric is not used well in many places. Look, this is a sketch I drew. I want to change the area close to the water source into ponds and paddy fields. , build a water-powered windmill next to this waterfall, and here, here, make a walking corridor with a thatched pavilion in the middle. The nearest gate and the main courtyard are built here. I also want to raise some chickens, ducks, pigs, and sheep. It just has a bit of a smell, but it won't matter if you keep it here."

As she moved a few points of her fingers to figure out what she meant, Chu Xu had a rough outline in his mind. There are more than 300 acres of land, excluding the building area, and there is still a large area that can be used to grow vegetables.

"Sounds good. This is the picture. Let's find a professional to draw it!"

Cheng Xiang glared at him when he was accused of being ugly, and muttered: "It's just a draft. I just need to understand it." Don't have such high standards."

"Do you have time in the past two days?"

"What for?" Cheng Xiang snatched the notebook away.

"Take you to meet my uncle."

Cheng Xiang frowned, a little confused, "Isn't it appropriate? If you want to meet me now, you should meet my family first. You can spare time, that is Its not good, its weird. It was as if she was rushing to catch up with his relatives.

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