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☆ 108. Chapter 108

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Chapter 108

The wedding date was set, and Chu Xu made an appointment at the photo studio to take wedding photos.

After receiving the wedding ring, Chu Xu posted a message on Moments and was immediately heckled and watched by a group of his friends. Ask him to treat him to a bachelor party.

It was a happy thing at first, but Cheng Xiang was a little depressed.

"Why are you asking not to bring a female companion? It's too much!"

Although they were all in the same county, these people refused to let her participate, which made her feel that she was deliberately excluded by these people.

Chu Xu didn't care, his eyes were still smiling. "They are all old classmates. You will get to know each other sooner or later."

Cheng Xiang was either really unreasonable or had the guts to announce her marriage. A bunch of people called it a party, but in reality they were competing with her for her husband. I feel uncomfortable. But thinking about Chu Xu's character, he wouldn't be able to make some bad friends. Just keep it to yourself for a few hours anyway, so she doesn't look too stingy.

"Then you have to come back before 11 o'clock, and you must not drink."

Chu Xu hugged her and kissed her twice. "I know I won't let you stay alone in the empty room. You go to bed early at home." He

checked the time and took the Chu Xu took off his coat and went out with his cell phone.

Cheng Xiang felt that she was being pampered by him, and she actually became suspicious.

This is really not a good sign.

I called Xiang Xiaoan to make sure she was not live broadcasting, and the two of them talked on the phone.

"Dear, why do you have so much time today? You haven't chatted with me for a long time!"

Xiang Xiaoan said with some resentment. "Everyone misses you so much, and I'm afraid it will affect your sweet life with my boyfriend. I'm always entangled now. If I were a man, do you think I should just become a love rival with my boyfriend?" "Then

I have to thank you. Let me go!" The man Xiang Xiaoan turned into was definitely a simple-minded idiot.

"You dislike me?"

Today's IQ was on the line, and he could still hear that she disliked me. Cheng Xiang couldn't stop laughing.

"Xiang Xiao'an, can you tell me something reliable? You think about wild things every day. You are a singer and Internet celebrity, not a writer. Don't say I don't love you. I sent you a courier. I haven't seen anything in the past few days. If you have some free time, don't forget to pick up the underwear tomorrow."

"What is it? Underwear, is it underwear?"

Cheng Xiang was powerless to save her imagination.

"See for yourself!"

"Oh, tell me, it's so mysterious. Could it be that you have it?"

Her forehead bulged, and Cheng Xiang really wanted to take a picture of someone from the air. "Why should I send you a courier and be the first to tell you when I have it?" I thought her IQ was as poisonous as hers.

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll be friends with you." Cheng Xiang threatened.

Xiang Xiaoan closed his mouth and looked cute and innocent.

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