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☆ 77. Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

As the sky darkened, the fish soup was simmering in the pot. Cheng Xiang was not idle and filled Chu Xu's empty refrigerator.

There was a knock on the door, and she ran to open the door. Not only was Chu Xu back outside, but Qi Ruiyang was also following her.

"Hey, hello, we've met before!" Qi Ruiyang's nose twitched a few times, shouting in his heart that he was indeed right to come today. "This house is different with a woman. Last time I came here, it was takeout and instant noodles. Hey, I can finally feel what warmth is in the world."

The two men changed their slippers, and Chu Xu explained to Cheng Xiang One sentence: "He came here halfway and didn't have time to tell you."

Cheng Xiang didn't take this into consideration. He didn't cook enough rice at night. Thinking about how many river shrimps were in the refrigerator, he made two more dishes and mixed them. I bought some flour and spread out a few cakes, which was enough.

She poured two cups of tea, "You guys sit down first, I'll go take a look in the kitchen."

As soon as Cheng Xiang left, Chu Xu followed behind. "Ignore him, we can just eat whatever we want."

"People are here, and you still make people hungry. I can't do it." Cheng Xiang looked at it, picked eggs, green onions, and eggplant and beans from the refrigerator. . Cut off the handle of the eggplant, cut it in half, cut into small pieces and soak in water. Wash and chop the onions and beat the eggs.

Chu Xu watched her smooth movements, pressed against her back, and kissed her on the face.

"I'm working!" Cheng Xiang nudged him with her elbow. "There's someone outside. Go out and chat with him. I'll be fine in a minute." "

Well, thank you for your hard work."

Chu Xu said to her face again. After taking a peck, he exited the kitchen.

Cheng Xiang paused, feeling warm in his heart. In the past, no one told her how hard it was for her to do this kind of thing. Although it is a customary duty for women to take care of the house, people are not made of iron. A man who knows both coldness and heat can't bear the thought of hard work. Earn empty promises that a thousand words cannot fulfill.

It's a pity that she couldn't see through it before. Even though he knew that he was trusting no one, he still had to hold on until he couldn't find any reason to hold on, so he used his self-formatting state to erase that period of time.

Dont you regret it? regret. But if she hadn't experienced that, she wouldn't know what true long-term love is like.

This time, she will be happy! She believed it.

Qi Ruiyang touched the washed fruit on the coffee table and stuffed it into his mouth, staring at the TV and switching channels.

"Two drinks later?" Chu Xu unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled up his sleeves.

"Okay, just take me back when you're drunk." Qi Ruiyang had enough to eat.

"Follow me and go down and buy two cans of beer. I've made a lot of flavored shrimps in it."

"Okay, my mouth is watering."

The two of them said to Cheng Xiang and went out together.

"The fruits you have there taste really good. How many can I bring later?"

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