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☆ 112. Chapter 112

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Chapter 112

[Dreams are all reversed, and you believe such unscientific things. ]

Cheng Xiang muttered a sentence, with countless dialogues interjected in between.

[Science is theology. ]

[According to relevant investigations, dreams have the meaning of foresight and warning. ]


Cheng Xiang touched her head, she was being screwed out for education. The person holding the space system shouted that it was unscientific and she should have grown up her brain.

Chen Chao: [Dont interrupt, everyone. The science in our hometown is underdeveloped and we dont have as high an ideological consciousness as you. ]

Cheng Xiang, who has low ideological consciousness, grows mushrooms alone.

[I have been short of water in space recently. You know who that is. ]

Despise her IQ, you will not be able to die in one day.

[Don't, I have a bunch of vegetative people now, they will kill me without water! ]

[You are a hero, a good person, a beautiful girl! You can't just die without saving me. For the sake of our fellow villagers and how miserable I am, please take pity on me! ]

I always feel that something is not good about having such a fellow countryman on the stall! But she is soft-minded and doesn't want to see others suffer misery.

Cheng Xiang: [Do you have the phone number of your family, or your friend or relative? I will call you and ask. By the way, are you wearing soul or body? ]

Chen Chao: [My soul has penetrated. My body over there must have died. Let me think about it, you hit my mother because she has a strong dialect, so, you hit my sister.

Cheng Xiang saved the number sent by ] in his mobile phone.

Cheng Xiang: [I will contact you first and will reply later. ]

[Okay, I'll wait for you here. ]

Dialed out, and the ringing sounded for a long time before someone answered. There was a female voice inside.

"Hey, who are you looking for?" Maybe it was an out-of-town number and the other party spoke Mandarin.

Cheng Xiang: "Hello, are you Chen Chao's sister?"

"Oh... I am."

There was something gloomy in her answer.

What should I ask next? Classmate Cheng Xiaosan is in trouble. She scratched her guts and asked before her on the phone: "What do you want from me?"

Your brother had a nightmare...

Let me go, can it be so scary? She was simply tricked into a world-wide problem.

"Chen Chao hasn't contacted me for a long time. Did something happen?"

Oops, her little wit finally came online!

Cheng Xiang was moved by herself.

Sister Chen Chao: "You don't know? Xiaochao... has passed away a long time ago."

Pretending to be shocked: "How is it possible? I saw him two years ago and he was fine!"

Cheng Xiang felt that his performance was completely Its like being possessed by a drama queen, perfect!

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