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☆ 22. Chapter 22font record

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Chapter 22

After fighting again and again, Cheng Xiang still couldn't stand his bullying, so she agreed and gave him half of the bed, but she was not allowed to cross the line. She resented that she didn't even dare to enter the space when he was by her side.

It was a bit cold to sleep in the middle of the night, in this hot summer. The deep mountains and old forests are indeed a good place to escape the summer heat. Cheng Xiang shrank into the quilt and vaguely felt like she was hugging a large heater. She felt sleepy. She rubbed the "stove" and fell asleep comfortably.

Smelling the fragrance of her hair, a pair of quiet eyes were shining brightly in the dark night. He held his hands tightly around the sleeping woman's waist and rested his chin on the top of her head.

His girl was finally back...

When she woke up, Cheng Xiang felt something was wrong when she moved. The pillow under her head was obviously not a pillow. When he raised his eyes, he saw Chu Xu's big double-lidded eyes with fluttering eyelashes and a sleepy look, his chin with green stubble, and his prominent and sexy Adam's apple. Realizing that he threw himself into someone's arms last night, he pulled up the quilt and rolled away.

"Morning!" Chu Xu sat up, "I have to pick someone up later, get up quickly."

"Oh, you go out first."

Cheng Xiang pretended not to move.

There was a tremor all over the room. Chu Xu went out and closed the door for her.

Lifting the quilt, Cheng Xiang jumped to the ground, ran out of bed and took a peek outside the door. Seeing Chu Xu going to the well to fetch water and wash up, he quickly locked the door and slipped into the space.

The things bought yesterday have not been sold out yet, and the crops in the fields are about to be harvested. I wasted a day and lost a lot of energy coins. She quickly put the goods on the shelves and then immersed herself in collecting the things. Before she had time to plant things, she was afraid that Chu Xu would call her, so she washed her hands in the spring and ran out of the space.

"I can't catch the morning bus now. I asked someone to borrow a women's motorcycle."


Cheng Xiang washed her face and brushed her teeth very quickly, finishing it all in less than ten minutes.

"Hold me tight!" Chu Xu checked her helmet and warned. "I'm afraid I'll be too fast and throw you off."

Just hold me tight! Are you afraid you can eat me?

Cheng Xiang sat up and put her hands around his waist.

"If you act like this, I will think that you are dissatisfied with my figure."


The motorcycle wandered among the trees, leaving spots on the green leaves, which fell on his head and his light blue shirt.

"It's so beautiful here. I didn't realize it yesterday when I was in the car, but now I feel like I'm deep in the forest." They walked through it like two free fish.

"If you like it, you can stay here forever."

He could always bring the topic to the future planning of their world.

After passing through the forest, there are acres and acres of farmland. There are several households near the farmland, and next to the farmland are small bridges and flowing water. It forms a leisurely and pastoral picture.

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