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☆ 27. Chapter 27font record

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Chapter 27

Three rooms are divided, one for Bai Mo, Xiang Xiaoan, and Cheng Xiang, one for Cheng Xiu, Shen Yang, Huo Xun, and Chu Xu, and the last room for Jian Yao and Xu Mengtian.

There was only one bathroom with so many people, so we had to queue up and take turns.

"Chu Xu, do you have any poker here?"

Shen Yang saw that everyone was a little bored waiting like this, so he wanted to have some fun.

"I'll go look for it." Chu Xu came out after a while: "There's only one pair."

"Let's play Landlords with one pair! Do you want to play?" Shen Yang asked.

Bai Mo pushed Cheng Xiu: "Come on!" Cheng Xiu raised his brows to show that it didn't matter.

"I don't play." Cheng Xiang said that she had no interest in playing games, and she was born with bad skills. She never touched anything that had anything to do with luck.

Xiang Xiaoan: "I'm not interested."

"Huo Xun, come on!" Cheng Xiu called someone, and then the three of them sat at the table in different directions. Others gathered around to see the cards.

"Did you have fun today?" Chu Xu asked quietly in Cheng Xiang's ear. When no one was paying attention, the two of them walked away to enjoy the cool air.

"Just so-so!"

In fact, she is not a person who likes to live in a group, but it is difficult for her to adapt to being alone with Chu Xu in a short period of time. Only through this method could she clearly see him and herself four years later. And whether their life rhythms can be synchronized, and whether they can resolve conflicts and differences peacefully. Many people reflect contradictions, but they can see each other better. This is the test she sets for each other.

Overall, Chu Xu performed well today. Xu Mengtian's arrival was a bit unexpected. To be fair, as a responsible man, he was pretty good at not embarrassing others. Of course, secretly she still hopes they can draw a clear line. So I can’t say against my will that I had a great time today.

"You... have something to say?" Chu Xu tried to get her to open her mouth.

Cheng Xiang looked at him and confessed: "I know I have no right to interfere with your friendship, but I can't watch my boyfriend and his ex-girlfriend being together. And her children call you dad, even if they are godfather, uncle, uncle , all make me unhappy. My point of view is, since we can’t be lovers, then don’t do anything. From what position to return to what position, people have to learn to avoid suspicion!" Now that we have mentioned it,

let’s make it clear that taking advantage of the relationship is not good Deep, it doesn’t have to have any impact or harm. If the Tao is different, it will be easy to get together and disperse easily.

Chu Xu's eyes moved slightly, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"I don't know why, but I'm very happy to hear you say that."

Cheng Xiang stared at him with eyes. They were talking about a very serious topic. As a serious person, he actually stepped aside for her?

"I didn't know she would come. I will explain it to Jian Yao and Xu Mengtian. In the past, I could not care less and leave them alone, but now they interfere too much!" Chu Xu raised his hand and rubbed the top of her hair: "Girlfriend, still Do you have any questions?"

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