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☆ 62. Chapter 62 first update

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Chapter 62: The

woman was having a hard time chasing after her. Baruch glanced at the mineral water in his hand, stood up and threw it in a parabola, hitting the man's ankle.

"Hit!" Shi Luo jumped up and high-fived Balushi.

When the man fell down, the woman ran over and held him down, slapping him twice.

"You're still running, are you running now? Give me the money!"

The woman stepped on the man fiercely, her style so aggressive that the onlookers were dumbfounded. On the other hand, the man before had pitifully begged the woman: "The money is for dad's hospitalization expenses. I will give it to you later." "

Stop talking nonsense, that old man will die soon, why should he be treated!" the woman said while saying While searching the man's trouser pockets, the man tried his best to stop him, but was held down and his face was bloody. The woman grabbed and beat her wildly, and soon she took out the bag where the man had hidden his money, took the money and walked away. The man lay on the ground crying.

The three members of the Balushi family didn't know what to do.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Seeing the passers-by trying to persuade the man, but the man was still indifferent and immersed in sadness, Baruch felt that he had done a big mistake.

Lilami was also confused, after all, this kind of thing almost never happened in their world.

"Let's go get the thing back!"

Baruch said: "She is a female and has already driven away in a car."

Lilami then looked up and saw that the woman was no longer on the street.

Shi Luo scratched his forehead and said, "Why don't we give him something? He looks so pitiful."

These words touched the hearts of his parents, and Balushi took out a jar of pollen candy from the space. The three of them walked over, and the passers-by around the man dispersed. At this time, he squatted on the roadside and wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry, please accept my sincere apology."

Wang Jun saw a wooden jar with a strange wooden shape, and followed the hand holding the jar to see the rough-looking Balushi.

"I threw something at you!" For fear that Wang Jun wouldn't understand, Balushi explained it specifically.

"I don't blame you, it's my own misfortune." Wang Jun knew in his heart that even if he ran away just now, his wife would still chase him to the hospital and cause trouble.

Seeing that Wang Jun refused to accept it, Balushi handed the things forward again.

Wang Jun looked at him and walked away from Balushi. He had to go back and find a way to raise money.

"He doesn't accept anything..." Balushi didn't know what to do.

Lilami pushed him and said, "Let's follow him and take a look." Since we don't want to collect anything, we can always help.

Wang Jun kept calling and asked all the relatives he could ask. His aunt even scolded him when he couldn't borrow the money. Wang Jun thought about how he had lived a pretty useless life. His father was ill and couldn't afford any money, and the money he borrowed was even taken away by his wife. It would be better for a man to die if he lived like this.

✓The subversive life of a plane farmerWhere stories live. Discover now