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☆ 131. Chapter 131font record

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Chapter 131

After waiting for more than half an hour, the eldest brother Cheng Jing finally came back. Dad Cheng is still undergoing surgery at the moment, and he doesn’t know what the situation is. Cheng Xiang was not in the mood to cook, but it was okay to starve herself, but she couldn't starve several children.

"Where's Mom? Who's in the hospital you didn't guard?" Cheng Jing was a little surprised to see Cheng Xiang.

"I don't know how to call and ask!" Cheng Xiang was angry, "I'm back, you can watch the house, I'm leaving."

He picked up Xiaoqiu, and Xiaohei automatically followed at his feet.

"How can you get there so late? There is no shuttle bus at this time."

"I have a mouth, and I don't know how to call for a bus!"

Cheng Xiang didn't want to stay any longer for fear of losing her temper. Although it was not early, it was not dark either. I walked to the shuttle bus station and asked about it, found a motorcycle, spent a little more money, and headed to the county town.

The driver of the motorcycle was also an acquaintance and told Cheng Xiang about today's events.

"Your dad's fall was hard!"

Cheng Xiang pursed her lips and didn't want to speak. She didn't want to deal with any of the mess at home. If she didn't have the space to come back in time today, she would probably have to do nothing at home.

The driver of the car also knew that Father Cheng’s fall would cost a lot of money. I heard that the younger sister of the Cheng family has done a big project in another village. The money for the treatment this time was not borrowed by the Cheng family, so it must have fallen on this younger sister again. I don’t know if her project has any impact, but it’s also a sin!

Cheng Xiang didn't notice when her cell phone rang on the way, but she didn't notice until Xiaoqiu grabbed her.

"I'm at the hospital. Mom's fall is nothing serious. The hospital prescribed some medicine to remove blood clots."

It was the second brother's voice, and Cheng Xiang said "Oh." The two of them had nothing to say anymore.

When we arrived in the city, my father hadn't left the operating room yet, so he went back to the house, leaving the two goblins to look after the house. Cheng Xiang unpacked the lunch box and called Chu Xu. The door to the operating room over there just opened, and Dad Cheng was pushed into the ICU ward. It takes 24 hours to wait for someone to wake up.

The meal was given to Cheng's mother. Cheng Xiu stood outside the ward and asked the three of them to go back first. He was alone, and his second sister-in-law didn't come back. Cheng Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I can't sleep even when I go back, so I'll wait in the hospital." Cheng's mother refused to leave.

"Mom, you have an injury on your waist. You can't help Dad here." Cheng Xiang gave some advice. "Second brother is here. He will call us if anything happens. Save your mental strength and energy. We will come over to replace the second brother at dawn."

Cheng's mother was unwilling. After hearing Cheng Xiang's last words, she asked Cheng Xiang's hands struggled to stand up.

Gong Lan was wandering in front of Cheng Xiang's house, wanting to have a chat with them, and three people came.

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