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☆ 19. Chapter 19font record

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Chapter 19

Chu Xu bought a two-story small villa with four bedrooms, one living room and three bathrooms. The layout was very good, and there was an independent small yard in front surrounded by a decorative fence.

"You can still make a garden here! Do you want me to garden for you?" She

was poisoned by the plant, and when she saw the open space, she felt like a waste of natural resources. Crouching on the entry steps, I felt the urge to transform this place.

"Okay, I'll give you a copy of the key here."

"No!" They were not married, so it seemed too proactive for her to take his key. It would be bad to think about it if his family came over one day.

"Didn't you say that I am your good man? Since I am yours, of course my things are also yours." The man leaned against the door frame, with a lazy expression showing a bit of pleasure, and his pink lips parted Opening and closing, they all exude seductive information.

Cheng Xiang's heart beat uncontrollably twice, and she wondered in her heart whether the guy who said he was dull was deaf or blind. He is so good at flirting with girls and has such good looks that he can no longer control his desire to cheat.

"How can this be confused?" Although she is a poor person, it is a bit tortured to ask her to accept other people's kindness casually. "We agreed in advance that there will be no interests involved in the relationship. What's yours is yours, what's mine is mine, and we don't interfere with each other. You can give me things, but I refuse large amounts of valuables. I'm afraid I won't be able to compensate if I lose them. Get up." Speaking of which, Cheng Xiang was a little tangled later. This was the truth about her poverty. She would panic if she had something valuable in her pocket. Otherwise, she would lose everything, and she might not know where to throw it.

"I don't want you to compensate." Chu Xu couldn't help laughing, as if he didn't have to worry about being happy if he was with her. "You helped me save money when I became my girlfriend, and I know how to dominate the family business."

"You dominate the family business!" Cheng Xiang threw the grass in his hand at him. She just doesn't want to be spoiled by him and become a materialistic girl.

"Don't you like it here? And I just gave you the key, and the head of the household is still me. Could it be," he squinted his eyes and said seductively, "are you ready to become the second owner of my house?"

Cheng Xiang His face was red, and he couldn't believe that these words came from his mouth. "Don't you like to talk? Why are you so eloquent today!" You also go out of your way to bully others with your words.

"Then I won't say anything. You have to get the key. You can come or not as you like." Chu Xu smiled happily, and she was the only one who made him want to tease her.

"The key fell off..."

"The meat was lost!"

Cheng Xiang's cheeks turned red. After seeing her reaction, Chu Xu's own uncomfortable red color spread to the tips of his ears. I don’t know why the words that I couldn’t say out loud before were automatically unblocked as soon as I met her.

He actually said such colorful and greasy words. Cheng Xiang suspected that the shy male god hegemon he knew before was a fake. He was probably an experienced driver in private, right?

"Your house is so big, does anyone come to clean it?"

Cheng Xiang told herself that she had forgotten about the things that made her angry just now, and started to talk about other things.

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