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☆ 142. Chapter 142font record

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Chapter 142

The atmosphere was so stagnant. Ms. Huang stood stunned. The person kneeling on the ground was not the stupid big fat sheep next door.

Is his name Master Xiao Cheng?

Ms. Huang only felt that the world was not normal anymore, and what was there to admire about Xiao Cheng, a little girl in a movie. What kind of master would such a person be, learning how to sell vegetables?

Her changing expressions did not escape Cheng Xiang's eyes. But what's even stranger now is, what is this guy Gonglan doing?

"You want me to be your master? Are you going to defect from the master?"

How come this little girl doesn't know how to be humble at all! Ms. Huang seemed to be watching a farce.

"As long as you agree, it's not difficult to leave the school."

There is basically not much left for him to learn in the school. Instead of hanging on a tree, he might as well have a future with the unfathomable Master Cheng Xiang.

The two goblins who were misunderstood as Master Cheng Xiang were in the background the whole time, and they couldn't understand the human routine.

"Oh?" Cheng Xiang stared at him playfully. She was in need of an apprentice, and this guy came to her door automatically. He came at the perfect time. Cheng Xiang was happy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

"It's not that easy to get out after entering my door."

Gonglan raised his head and said firmly, "I'm not afraid."

"I know you are brave, so let's show your sincerity."

She had to feel the new apprentice's bottom. As a senior brother, this guy was very suitable, but she didn't like his previous behavior style.

Sincerity is not just filial piety. After being oppressed by elders and uncles in the school for many years, Gonglan still doesn't understand this unspoken meaning. He touched his body with his hands and looked at Ms. Huang beside him.

"Master, why did she come?"

Cheng Xiang was silent. He was so smooth as a master, but she obviously hadn't agreed yet.

After doing this for a long time, you finally noticed me! Ms. Huang felt unhappy because a person as big as her was standing here like a stone. Xiao Gong clearly did this on purpose.

"I collect rent!" Ms. Huang narrowed her eyes. It would be a waste to let a fool like Xiao Gong fool her. Immediately, he said with a smile: "Aren't you Xiao Cheng's apprentice? Why don't you just pay your master's rent?"

"How much?" Gonglan took out his wallet, thinking about his uncle and uncle in his master's door. We also often go out without money. Maybe the worldly experts have a weird habit of treating money like dirt.

"Not much, only five hundred yuan!"

Ms. Huang smiled slyly.

Seeing the red note being handed out, Ms. Huang walked over in a jittery manner. A white hand pulled away before her, and in a twist, Gonglan's wallet was also snatched away.

Ms. Huang gritted her teeth and said, "Xiao Cheng, what are you doing?"

"What?" Cheng Xiang sneered, "You don't know?"

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