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☆ 125. Chapter 125font record

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Chapter 125

After fooling Yang Zhen, Cheng Xiang returned to the space and worked hard to earn energy coins.

Chu Xu had just started practicing, and it was still new at the moment, so he could pass the time without Cheng Xiang. What he didn't know was that every time he fell into trance, a cat and a baby would always come to lie down or sleep next to him.

After getting eight million energy coins, Cheng Xiang took a rest and sorted out the things she had picked up on the ground. They crammed them all into the space hub. This alone was not enough, so they collected a lot of food. With Yang Zhen's urine, it would be more difficult for her to do it on her own than to kill her. Fruits and other foods that can be eaten raw are fine, but cooked foods have to be found separately.

I made a list and went out to the supermarket to do some shopping. Cheng Xiang bought a lot of talisman paper in case of accidents, and took out a diary to list things to note.

Check for leaks and fill in the gaps to see if there is anything missing. I don’t know what the economic development level of that plane is. I thought again and again. Cheng Xiang threw a bunch of clothes, pants and scarves into it. The space hub is not big in the first place, and there will be no room if it is stuffed. Pretending to have food.

When I came out, I saw three of them on the bed, with spiritual energy swirling around them.

Wei Wei was surprised. He always felt that the positions occupied by the two goblins were a bit strange, and the concentrations of their spiritual energy were also different. Could it be that this is some kind of formation?

Cheng Xiang was surprised and didn't interrupt.

He took the key and went out, and after a few steps there was a person behind him.

Unsure whether he was following him or not, Cheng Xiang turned around and took a look. There was no spiritual energy fluctuation on this person. She didn't recognize him either. Could it be that he was a new resident?

Without thinking much, he left the community and went straight to the large supermarket on the third fork of the main street.

I moved a piece of instant noodles, bought a big bag of cooked duck neck, chicken legs, buns, steamed buns and shaomai. After I checked out, I bumped into the woman I saw before on the way.

I frowned twice, maybe it was just a coincidence.

Cheng Xiang opened the door and entered the house. The door next door opened and Gong Lan was holding a garbage bag and wearing slippers.

"Hey, are you planning to live here permanently?"

She teased, and was slightly disappointed when she saw that his face didn't change much.

"Do you cook at home every day?" Gonglan asked an irrelevant question.

Cheng Xiang looked at him carefully and said, "Why are I telling you?"

The door behind him closed, and Gonglan stuck his foot in the crack of Cheng Xiang's door.

"I forgot my keys when I came out." He opened his trouser pocket for Cheng Xiang to review.

Cheng Xiang: "..." What the hell, does it have anything to do with me?

"You can continue if you don't want your feet anymore." She looked directly at him with a sneer.

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