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☆ 17. Chapter 17font record

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Chapter 17:

The Ripples of the Plane of Arantok: The energy of the land is used up, and energy coins are needed to recharge it. Otherwise, you can also use fertilizer to buy speed-increasing medicine, and the effect is similar.

Energy coin recharge? What a divine operation this is!

Cheng Xiang from the Earth Plane: Thank you. Ripple has helped me a lot. No need to reply.

Qu Ripples from the Plane of Arantok: You're welcome, add me as a friend, and we can communicate with you if you have any questions in the future. The most important thing is that you don't have to spend energy coins.

Cheng Xiang was confused, and soon there was a new reply.

Ripples of the Plane of Arantok: Ah, you are still below the mutual relationship level.

Cheng Xiang from the Earth Plane: I am a newbie and I don’t understand many things.

Ripples of the Plane of Arantok: I started the same way, come on!

Cheng Xiang felt that Qu Lianyi was a very enthusiastic person. If she hadn't asked for money by talking in the mailbox, she would have asked her many questions. She didn’t know how many energy coins it would take to recharge it. She thought that buying all the plots would speed things up. It turned out that this acceleration effect required energy coins. This actually follows the law of conservation of energy.

Locking on the cracked land, the reserved little elf of the system spoke.

"Beep, are you charging?"

Cheng Xiang muttered yes, and then the system's reserved bitch yelled again: "Beep, the host energy coins are insufficient, charging failed!" A

bad premonition suddenly came to his head, and several hundred energy coins It’s still called insufficient, so how much energy does it take to recharge it? For more than 10,000, she might as well buy a new plot of land.

She was struggling in her mind. She sold the newly harvested strawberries, but after more than a thousand, there were still insufficient prompts. After the third harvest and all were sold out, the system finally succeeded. Looking at the account, a total of two thousand was missing, which was really enough money. From now on, every time the land was recharged, Cheng Xiang had to do this once, and Cheng Xiang felt a pain in his stomach.

"Hey, the host has completed charging for the first time and will be rewarded with a void spring! Please choose the location of the spring."


Cheng Xiang's eyes were shiny, and she didn't expect that recharging it once would get additional benefits. The spring is water. Does this mean she can do some aquaculture?

The plane farm is so powerful, she can no longer do what she did before without making some plans and plans. Up, north, down, south, left, west, right and east, she divided the four directions according to the direction she was standing in. She took a piece of paper and a pen to draw a rough diagram. Now that the plot of land is placed in the southeast direction in the middle, then the spring should be placed in the northwest corner!

I thought that there was a pool as big as a bathtub on the grass in the northwest. The pool was clear and green, and although there were ripples in the water, you couldn't see where the water came in and out.

Cheng Xiang was a little dumbfounded. What could be raised in a place as big as a bathtub? It seems that you can raise some small shrimps and crabs...

the entry-level version, compact but practical. Thinking of having free shrimps to eat, Cheng Xiang found it much more pleasing to the eye. After finishing her work, she ran out to the vegetable market and asked for a bag of live river shrimps. Cheng Xiang threw them into the spring pond and began to have the same dream as a cat breeding fish. Fortunately, this plane can be realized for her, otherwise it would be a joke.

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