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☆ 119. Chapter 119

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Chapter 119

"Your male god?"

Huo Xun's voice dropped a few degrees.

Xiang Xiaoan didn't notice the change in him, and happily talked to him about those green years. There was a male idol on the left and a male idol on the right. Huo Xun turned his back and ignored her.

"...The biggest regret we had at that time was that we were not together after graduation, and later we had very little contact because of our own affairs." After telling Xiaoan a lot, she found no response, so she patted Huo Xun's shoulder. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that he had already fallen asleep.

"I've been talking to myself for a long time!" He reached out and poked Huo Xun's strong muscles. Thinking of the strength and security of being held by these arms, Xiang Xiaoan held his chin and smiled foolishly. "It makes me want to eat even when I'm asleep. Oh, no, no, no, it's too corrupt and perverted!"

Shaking her head, Xiang Xiaoan thought she should put some water in to cool her brain.

The man on the bed opened his closed deep black eyes, hooked his chin behind Xiang Xiaoan's back and raised the corners of his lips.

It was drizzling outside, and Chu Xu only had the last check left to do on the matter at hand. The time was approaching 9 o'clock in the evening, and if Cheng Xiang didn't come out, he would have to stay in the company overnight. I don't know what happened inside, and it took such a delay. Long.

In the space, Cheng Xiang flipped through the transaction interface, and there were very few things suitable for cultivators. And it didn't suit her current situation at all.

"Why don't we kill this person and finish him off?" He slid his fingers on the black cat's chin. He didn't know where he had been hiding before. Now that he saw Xiaoqiu go into the water, he came out and surrounded Cheng Xiang. Spin.

Waves of light flashed, and Cheng Xiang's few senses reminded her that this was reckless and the consequences would be dire. A person disappeared for no apparent reason, and it was difficult for Chu Xu to escape suspicion.

To let this person go would be to let the tiger return to its mountain.

Wipe the memory from his mind? It seems that I can cleanse him alone, but not the people around him.

Damn it, it really doesnt work. How to make such a big living person no longer a threat to oneself is extremely difficult.

Suddenly, something interesting came to mind.

Soul Devouring Gu, produced by the mortal cultivation interface. It is a poison technique in the world of immortality, usually used to control people's hearts. The disadvantage is that the person who casts the poison needs to keep the mother poison on himself and nourish it with spiritual power. If the child voodoo dies, the mother voodoo host will not lose his life, but will be counterattacked by the mother voodoo and his cultivation level will plummet.

This is an unpopular practice in the world of ordinary cultivation and is classified as an evil practice.

Cheng Xiang hesitated, wondering if it was worth risking his own safety for such a person. But apart from this method, she couldn't find a better solution.

After using up all her energy coins, Cheng Xiang got two boxes, one large and one small. When she opened it and saw the fingernail-sized Gu worm inside, her teeth trembled at the thought of putting this thing into her body. It's terrible to think about eating her spiritual power and running around in her body.

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