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☆ 150. Chapter 150font record

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Chapter 150

However, I hope you can keep up.

Cheng Xiang cleaned up the shop, and when the sky darkened, she ordered takeout for the two of them. Gonglan actually had a strong opinion on this. The master's cooking was more delicious. He had endured eating grass for several days, but he didn't expect that the master would let him eat grass when he came back.

"Hey, are you awake?"

Cheng Xiang moved a chair and sat beside the bed, and patted the boy in black on the shoulder.

Liao Shanying did not lose consciousness. He opened his eyes, his cold eyes full of guard.

"Explain yourself, why are you here?"

"Are you sure you are my uncle's master?"

Cheng Xiang didn't think there was any connection between the two questions, and she gave him a look that said nothing. She doesn't like to be dominated by others, nor does she want to be poked into.

Seemingly realizing the unfavorable situation, Liao Shanying did not remain silent.

"A few years ago, I served in the Hidden Sect. During a mission, the Hidden Sect suffered unprecedented losses. All the outstanding disciples of the new generation were buried on an unknown island. In order to find out the truth, I was sent out to perform the mission. This time The mission made me lose my freedom. I met my companions, but then I was isolated."

Seeing Cheng Xiang's confused eyes, Liao Shanying continued: "I accept my fate and feel that this is no different from my usual practice. When I was there, I saw my master, Elder Qing, and they called him clan elder."

So this child was imprisoned by his master?

"I had the same idea as you at first. I thought it was arranged by the master, so I hated him desperately and cursed him. Until a few months ago, I saw him again... He had become as old as his real age. The old man Bai was having trouble breathing. He gave me something and created an opportunity for me to secretly find a way to leave. Only then did I realize that things were not as simple as I thought. Master, he is a very powerful divination master. "

After thinking about it a few times, Cheng Xiang pondered the meaning behind this.

"Originally I wasn't sure it was here until I felt the fluctuation of my uncle's spiritual power. At first I thought the master was hinting that I should come find my uncle. Now it seems that the person I'm looking for is you!" "

So, you When you first tested your uncle, did you want to take him away?" The causes and consequences have been connected in series.

"That's right, but something felt wrong during the fight."

Could you not notice it, with Gonglan's personality and ability to stand up and be beaten by your nephew?

"I know I don't have the qualifications to ask you to get involved, but you can't avoid it. The master has blurred their direction. But they will come here sooner or later." "Them

? The people who imprisoned you?"

"Yes. "

Cheng Xiang held each other's hands and was silent for a while, then took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and handed it over.

"I know."

What is coming will come, but fortunately she is not alone.

Ask Gonglan to take Liao Shanying to his residence, and Cheng Xiang contacts Wang Xueqin.

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