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☆ 126. Chapter 126 Car accidentfont record

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Chapter 126 Car accident

"Come on, come on!" Compared with the consequences of knowing the truth and being laughed at, Cheng Xiang chose to sacrifice a little physical pain and would rather die to defend her last fig leaf.

Pulling her lips, Chu Xu took a step back, but actually didn't move her.

The elevator door opened, and Cheng Xiang walked out a little dizzy, thinking to herself that he must be scaring her. If he was really domestic violence...she would ignore him for a month.

However, Cheng Xiang was still too naive.

Going to Chu's house for dinner, Chu's father and Chu's mother asked them to prepare the clothes and trousers for the wedding, furniture, new house, electrical appliances, etc., which must be completed in these two months. As for the wedding photos, just mail them in if they were taken on that day.

Back home, Chu Xu used the excuse of going to the space to choose clothes with her, pressed Cheng Xiang on the grass, and started inhumane "domestic violence."

"Are you going to say it? Do it again in another place!"

Chu Xu pinched her waist and shook his "spirit" to threaten. "Pool, tree bed, you can choose a place."

Cheng Xiang curled up her shoulders and wanted to run. Is this a human being? The options given to her were basically different routes to the same destination.

The tall body covered her again, and her pupils shrank violently in fear. Cheng Xiang trembled: "Say, I'll say!"

Chu Xu stared at her, not letting go of her every little expression.

"I... I just want to improve my physique so that I won't be bullied too badly by you next time..." She

wanted to bite off her tongue, and Cheng Xiang's head almost pierced into her chest. For this reason, she herself felt ashamed to see others.

"This matter?"

Chu Xu bit out these two words and smiled so much that he felt very happy.

The body surged in strangely, and Cheng Xiang shouted: "I'm not coming? I told you!" "

My dear, I don't seem to have promised you anything."


The heat wave submerged, and there was no place like the pool, tree bed, etc. After falling down, Cheng Xiang held on to her waist and couldn't get up all day.

After waking up, Cheng Xiang didn't want to talk to Chu Xu, but his little temper was frightened by his words "Isn't that enough?"

"Well, for the sake of eugenics and nurturing in the future, we have to have a good talk."

Cheng Xiang felt that she should struggle a little more.

"Medically speaking, excessive sexual intercourse will cause weakness."

Chu Xu looked at her trying to reason and couldn't help laughing, bowing his head and whispering in her ear: "Have you forgotten again? Before getting a marriage certificate, I don’t want to have children so soon.”

So I can be unrestrained?

Convinced once again, Cheng Xiang found that she was no match for him in any aspect. Holding in her breath made her liver hurt, Cheng Xiang puffed out her cheeks and sulked.

✓The subversive life of a plane farmerWhere stories live. Discover now