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☆ 158. Chapter 158 Master-Servant Contractfont record

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Chapter 158 The master-servant contract

energy coins were stored for many days. Cheng Xiang once again expanded the space, opening half of it as a pasture, and the other half as plots. He planted half an acre of sugar cane, two acres of cotton, three acres of wheat, and one acre of various types of breeding. Saplings. The space is so big that it would take an hour to walk around in a circle from one end to the other using only two legs.

There has been no reply from Alt. Cheng Xiang didn't know what he was busy with. She just knew that he went to pick up someone. Did he receive any specific messages? He lost contact there.

After taking Mao and Xiaoqiu in, Cheng Xiang looked at the two standing obediently in front of him, flipped his palm and took out a monster inner elixir.

"You two, agree to sign a master-servant contract with me, and share the blessings and hardships in the future. If you don't agree, you will leave my sight from today on. From now on, bridges will lead back to bridges."

She held the hand in her other hand . He took out two contract scrolls and threw them in front of them respectively.

The black cat's ears stood up, and its paws hesitantly raised, then put it in its mouth, took a bite, and stamped blood on the open contract. The deed turned into mist and drifted into the black cat's body. Following the black cat's right ear, a small part of the cat's head was covered with white lines.


A voice sounded in Cheng Xiang's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Are you a black cat?" In addition to surprise, it was more uncomfortable. Hearing the voice of a black cat is so softening.

The black cat squatted on the ground and covered its face with its claws, feeling embarrassed.

Cheng Xiang squatted down, rubbed the cat's head, and handed the inner elixir to it. This is the promise she made.

"Thank you, master, my name is Xiao Ao."

The black cat swallowed it in one gulp, stood up and jumped into the woods. It needs to find a place where no one will disturb it to refine the inner elixir, which is the same as Xiaoqiu's performance at the beginning.

Cheng Xiang didn't make a fuss, but felt that the name Xiao Ao was inexplicably amiable. Xiao Ao, Xiao jacket?

Xiaoqiu's formation mark is formed here, and it is printed on its forehead. The pattern that was not very prominent at first has been deepened and enlarged in a circle, almost covering the entire forehead, but the entangled lines are silver-white. , the eye-catching look seems to be covered with a layer of highlighter.

The contract was completed, there was no sound in her mind, Xiao Qiu's big round eyes looked at Cheng Xiang. There was a little water vapor in the light-colored pupils, and the small mouth was pursed tightly.

"You... have nothing to say?" Cheng Xiang pinched a handful of soft tofu on his face with two fingers. It still feels so soft and silky.

A muffled voice sounded in her mind: "Anyway, the master only likes Xiao Ao, and doesn't like me. In the master's heart, Xiao Qiu is just a mischievous loach."

This crime is serious, Cheng Xiang has nothing to say Yan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Ouch, stinky master, why don’t you come here to coax someone else, someone else, someone else...

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