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☆ 152. Chapter 152font record

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Chapter 152

"Girl, the training ground is built, let's go over and compete."

Cheng Xiang's hair was about to dance, and she said with a trembling voice: "I'm still cooking, you can find someone else!" Turning his eyes, it turned out that it was true. Seeing the questioning look from her evil second brother, she immediately opened her mouth, "This is the Feng Shui master I invited." She

turned to wink at Ouyang Sheng, hoping that he would cooperate. Fortunately, the old man's eyes were not lame and he received the distress signal in time. .

"Master Ouyang, these are my second brother and second sister-in-law."

"Oh." Ouyang Sheng put on airs, raised his arrogant chin, and looked at the two of them through the slits of his eyes.

Cheng Xiu couldn't tell the difference for a while. The old man was wearing a long Confucian robe and looked a bit superior, so he believed Cheng Xiang's lies.

"You cook, I'll find someone to get two jugs of wine."

After taking two steps, the person turned back. "Cook more meat, beef and chicken steaks. It would be best if there is roasted whole lamb. There are so many of us, otherwise there won't be enough food."

Cheng Xiang wanted to roll his eyes, but the old man came and went in a hurry, leaving nothing behind. Give her time to complain.

"If you ask someone to read Feng Shui, there will be someone in the village who can do it. The noble man outside may be a magician. Don't be fooled." "

I think he looks like an old liar." Come here to eat and drink.

She originally thought that Cheng Xiang would be able to distinguish a few words, but she didn't expect that she continued to speak according to his meaning. Cheng Xiu was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

Bai Mo's belly has protruded like a big watermelon, which hinders her walking and movement.

This is truly a season of pregnancy. Thinking of Xiang Xiaoan and Lilami, Cheng Xiang glanced at her flat belly and felt a little disappointed.

The construction site is a closed steel greenhouse. From the outside, you can't see inside. You can only see the workers coming in and out and the monotonous and repetitive roar of machinery.

"Second brother, are you on weekend leave?"

"Yeah. What else?"

"I thought you were starting to take paternity leave." He was joking, but thinking to himself, luckily, it only lasts two days. While secretly rejoicing, I felt a little guilty, was it really okay to hide it from them like this?

Being accustomed to not troubling herself, Cheng Xiang put the problem behind her, went to Wang Xueqin's house, borrowed the kitchen from them, and cleaned the pots and pans. This became her own battlefield.

"The environment here is really nice."

Bai Mo and Cheng Xiu asked for a room downstairs. When the windows were opened, they could see the fenced vegetable garden in the yard. At this time, the weather has just warmed up, and in the vegetable garden, in addition to cabbage and radish, there are green onions and garlic. But it is also green and lush, allowing people to feel the vigorous breath of life intimately.

"If you like it here, why don't you stay here permanently?" Cheng Xiu suggested.

"It's not okay. I'm like this. Don't make it difficult for others. And it's far away from the hospital."

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