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☆ 11. Chapter 11font record

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Chapter 11

The dishes were served and the table was full. The eldest brother was taking beer out of the refrigerator. Cheng Xiaoer said to him: "What kind of beer do you want to drink? Take out the Wuliangye from the cabinet. Man, you should drink something white!"

Cheng Xiang's hand holding the rice stopped, and he understood the second brother. Why keep Chu Xu?

"Xiao Chu, you're welcome to eat at home." Father Cheng greeted Chu Xu to eat.

"Okay, uncle, you can eat and don't worry about me."

"Brother, get a bottle of peanut milk drink!" Cheng Xiang saw Cheng Xiu standing up to pour wine for Chu Xu, and quickly stepped forward to stop him. "He's allergic to alcohol."

Chu Xu didn't expect that Cheng Xiang could still remember these little things, and some bright lights floated under his glasses.

Cheng Xiu was stunned, obviously a little disappointed. "Why do you still have such a physique? You are so unlucky. Dad, brother, and Huo Xun, let's go for a walk."

Chu Xu felt a little embarrassed, and Huo Xun, who had always had no sense of presence, said: "It's a good thing that you can't drink. You don't have to worry about drunk driving. "

Yes, out of ten driving accidents, eight out of ten were caused by drinking." Dad Cheng agreed, "Xiao Chu, eat more vegetables and try your aunt's cooking."

"Cheng Xiang, what are you still doing? Can you fill your stomach just by looking at it?"

As soon as Cheng Xiu spoke, Cheng Xiang rolled her eyes at him. After holding the bowl, I looked around and sat down next to my eldest brother. On the other side were two little guys who were eating restlessly while holding the bowl.

"You sit here, mom has to pick up food for them two (children)." Cheng Xiu pointed his hand and gave her a seat between Huo Xun and Chu Xu.

Blinking his eyes, he cursed again, Cheng Xiaoer is a bad guy!

"Chu Xu, what is your profession?"

"I do computer network programming and research and development."

Cheng Xiaoer: "I'm an IT talent! I work in Shanghai. The salary is high there, right?"

Chun Chuxu Xu: "That's it, I won't die of hunger anyway."

Cheng Xiang choked and choked with laughter. Pushing two glasses of water to his hand, he couldn't help but look at the two people on the left and right with a little embarrassment. Huo Xun retracted his hand lightly, while Chu Xu looked at her with some concern.

Well, it’s not like she choked on the soft clay and was so fragile.

"IT is a highly competitive industry! Employees are updated very quickly. Will it be very stressful?" Cheng Xiaoer asked again unwilling to be left alone.

Chu Xu said implicitly: "Actually, it's not bad. Society is developing rapidly and competition in all fields is very strong. Knowledge reserves are constantly updated. This kind of pressure is the power of the progress of the times."

Seeing Cheng Xiaoer's stiff face, Cheng Xiangxin gives Chu Xu 180 likes! If you can make Cheng Xiaoer speechless, I must add chicken drumsticks to you tomorrow.

Noticing Cheng Xiang's gaze, Chu Xu turned his head and rolled his eyes at her. Cheng Xiang secretly gave him a thumbs up, and Chu Xu couldn't help but smile.

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