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☆ 29. Chapter 29font record

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Chapter 29

In the east room at this time, Chu Xu was leaning against the wall with one hand in his trouser pocket.

"I know everything you and Jian Yao did!" His face was calm and his eyes were slightly cold.

Xu Mengtian was startled, and her original smile was replaced by sullenness: "Did she tell you that? You just believe her words. And she is a second-hand commodity, do you really not mind?" "

Shut up!"

Chu Xu said condescendingly. Staring at her: "Even if she is bad in many ways, it's not your turn to say it. She is generally a little good, but you can never learn from it. She is content, she can keep her heart, and she will not let her external appearance To deny someone something."

With a sneer, Xu Mengtian felt like a joke.

"You mean, I am dissatisfied and do not keep my duty? In fact, in your heart, you have never recognized me, right?"

Chu Xu coldly snorted: "What you steal must be returned!"

These words made Xu Mengtian It was like a critical blow. She had tried so hard to love him, but he was like a stone that could not be warmed, always wandering outside her life. Why did he accuse her like this? She just loved him too much at the beginning. When Jian Yao learned from Jian Yao that he deliberately entered such a school for a girl, the jealousy in her heart was like the weeds growing all over the hillside. But that girl doesn't know how to cherish it, so what's wrong with her interfering?

"In your eyes, she is the best in everything. You never cared about me anyway. Chu Xu, did you love me in those three years?" "

You asked me many questions like this in those three years. I'm back. I told you, I have to work overtime and I have to work. And you, what are you doing? It's not enough to accompany you every week and after work. You still have nothing to do and you are complaining. I want to give my wife a A stable environment, but you are always restless." If he had not accepted that relationship from the bottom of his heart, he would not have forced himself to stay with her for so long. Try hard to take care of her feelings, let her enjoy a better material life, and promise her not to disclose the breakup to the public, and never talk about a partner before she gets married. What else could she dislike about him?

"Isn't it because of her that you don't want to face me? You are always busy, you have all kinds of meetings and entertainment, and you can't even come back for my birthday. I just want you to spend more time with me, but we have to wait until one day We have almost zero communication all night, don't you think it's too much?"

"I didn't come here to quarrel with you today. Before, you thought I had let you down. Now that you have a new life, I don't think we need to interact with each other anymore. No matter what the purpose of your coming this time, I hope there won't be a next time. Let us all take care of ourselves."

Chu Xu was about to leave, but Xu Mengtian suddenly stood up and pounced from behind.

"No! I regret it..."

Chu Xu frowned as he turned around and stretched out his arm to block her.

"The road you choose, even if it is a dead end, you must move forward. You are no longer alone, please be more mature. And I do not accept married women."

Chu Xu pushed her open the door and looked indifferent. Walking towards Jian Yao.

"You listened a lot at the door. Do you need me to repeat it again?"

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