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☆ 143. Chapter 143font record

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Chapter 143

"I have a cold and my throat feels uncomfortable." Dad Chu coughed again as he spoke.

The weather is cold and people tend to get sick easily. There are many good medicines in Cheng Xiang's space. Father Chu doesn't have a fever, he just has a cough, so there's no need for him.

To clear away heat and soothe the throat, snow pear goes well with rock sugar.

"Mom, is Chu Xu's room still there? I'll go in and have a look."

Chu's mother pointed, "It's still there." She didn't think much about it.

Cheng Xiang locked the door and jumped into the space, picked a few pears with tools and stuffed them into the bag she carried. After changing some rock candy from the transaction interface, the person came out. After going out, he used the excuse that he had forgotten his mobile phone and wanted to go back to get it. He went out and walked around the community before taking it out of the bag and screwing it on.

"Dad, let me boil you some rock sugar and snow pear to moisten your lungs and relieve your cough. You can drink it in this weather."

"Hey, this kid!" Chu's father took it happily and said, "It's so troublesome, why don't you run back to the store?" Gone?"

"It's not too much trouble. It's not far anyway, so just think of it as a walk."

Father Chu said, "I just wanted to say, you were still holding your phone in your hand when you walked in, why did you have to go back and get it just now. "

Cheng Xiang twisted up, forgetting that men in the Chu family are not easy to fool. I have just come into contact with it, and my observation skills are too strong.

After laughing a few times, Cheng Xiang went into the kitchen and told her to sit still and not do anything, as she would feel unable to eat.

"Mom, you are making fish soup today!"

Chu's mother peeled the garlic and patted it on the chopping board. She wore a bib and said with a smile: "Yes, drink the soup to warm yourself up." "

These are for me to copy. Come help you." Cheng Xiang rolled up her sleeves and put the vegetables into the basin.

"Do you like light food or heavy food?" Chu's mother saw Cheng Xiang washing leaves one by one, and looked at Zhi Le, "There's no need to be so careful, the vegetables you brought over are all very clean, tender and fluffy."

" Mom, do you like to eat the vegetables in my store? From now on, you will go to my store to get them. They are grown by yourself anyway." "

The vegetables in your store taste good, mainly because they are fresh and tender. It's like what your dad and I used to do. That kind of taste!"

Chu's mother rated it very highly, and she could feel the memories of it.

"It's so good, then you should eat more in the future. The vegetables I grow are healthy vegetables. They don't use chemical fertilizers or pesticides, so

you can eat them with confidence." "Hey, if I do this every day, it won't affect your business!"

"My own business ! When people spend money to eat their own food, what will other people think of me when they see it? They think I am stingy."

Chu's mother agreed with a smile, and the two of them worked together to make dinner, and they chatted quite well from beginning to end. Before leaving, he asked Cheng Xiang to stay overnight, but Cheng Xiang had to open a shop early in the morning, so he just said he would come back when he was free.

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