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☆ 33. Chapter 33font record

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Chapter 33 Cheng Xiang didn’t stay at home longer and returned to the city the next day. However, before entering, she met someone she didn’t really want to see.

"How did you find this place?"

Xu Mengtian smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes and was a bit sarcastic.

"I said he told me, do you believe it?"

Cheng Xiang declined to comment. Although she didn't like this typical trouble-making tone, she wouldn't confront her face to face. The key was inserted into the door lock and she opened the door.

"Come in!" She screwed the things into the bedroom, came back, poured a glass of water, and handed it to Xu Mengtian.

"You are much more vigilant than before."

"Of course, the lesson is too profound." Cheng Xiang sat on the sofa with the door open. When she was opening a store, someone took away a mobile phone she had left outside because she went into the back room to get something. Therefore, she got rid of her habit of not being defensive about others at once.

But to Xu Mengtian's ears, these words seemed to be a reference to her thief behavior back then, and her expression immediately changed. However, his face soon changed to a playful expression.

"I had a child with him. Maybe he didn't tell you? Our relationship was still very good at that time."

Cheng Xiang's eyes darkened and he stared at her silently. The moment she suddenly appeared, Cheng Xiang already had a premonition of what she would say. I was mentally prepared, but when I suddenly heard this kind of news, I still couldn't breathe.

"I imagined marrying him, and thought about whether our children would be more like him or more like me. I even thought about the next ten or twenty years, but when I told him the news, he told me He said he couldn't give birth. Do you know how hard I was hit at that time? Why, why did he make such a decision? We can obviously feed the child..."

Cheng Xiang pursed her lips and dug her fingers into the sofa cushions. Cheng Xiang couldn't express her feelings at this time. . As a woman, she understood Xu Mengtian's feelings, but as Chu Xu's girlfriend, she couldn't honestly say that their past had no impact on her. Because every word Xu Mengtian said was destined to not make her feel good from the moment she showed up. This is provocation, this is a declaration of sovereignty, this is a psychological attack... Even if it is true, these things should not come out of her mouth.

Constantly reminding herself to be calm and rational, and not to be timid, Cheng Xiang barely maintained a superficial calm.

Xu Mengtian's voice continued, with a sick smile on his lips.

"He told me that he had just graduated and had not accomplished anything. He found various reasons to convince me. I also know that raising a child is not easy, but it is also a life. I have the courage to bear poverty with him. Hungry and all the consequences, what reason does he have to retreat as a man? One day I saw a photo on his computer, and I understood that he simply didn’t love me enough." "

I thought that if I didn’t cooperate and ignored me, I would wait until I got pregnant. He can give birth to the child. But he got involved with a woman in the company." With a ferocious expression and excitement, Xu Mengtian's tone became more and more serious.

"Do you know? In order to force me to beat my children, he did not hesitate to threaten me with cheating! I love him, I gave up my self-esteem and all my pride for him, and I circled around him like a madman every day. I even paid for him People manipulated and ruined his plans to express his love. I went from being the darling of the family to becoming an all-around nanny. I thought I got him, I succeeded, and this person belonged to me. Only in the end did I realize that I was wrong. How outrageous!" At this point, she cried like a lost person.

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