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☆ 179. Chapter 179 Tuogufont record

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Chapter 179

The warning from the Tuogu system ended abruptly as a hole opened in the sky.

The plane was bumping up and down like driftwood. Hugging Chu Xu, Cheng Xiang found that they couldn't get out. All the options seemed to be locked, and no matter how she called, there was no response.

In the broken white light, a figure emerged clearly. He was wearing a thick fur coat and stepped out slowly with gold-threaded boots. The opening behind him disappeared in the blink of an eye. The man has a high bun, a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows and a handsome figure. He carries a curved scimitar at his waist, and a fish-shaped jade pendant sways as he moves.

Cheng Xiang faced him, fear clenching her vitality. This man's powerful aura showed aggression even to every hair on his body.

The man looked over and spread his fingers.

Chu Xu broke away from Cheng Xiang's hands. Cheng Xiang struggled to catch it, but saw the man clamp Chu Xu, jumped up, and swiped his fingers in the air at will, causing the sky to open again.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?"

In front of an absolute strong man, Cheng Xiang's speed was as slow as jogging. No matter how hard she tried to grab him, she still couldn't touch a corner of the man's clothes.

"Can we save him?" the man said in a concise sentence, and the folds of his eyebrows already felt like there was an extra layer of frost.

"I still have a duel."

Cheng Xiangmu paused and saw that the two of them had entered the white halo.

"Wait, you haven't said who you are yet!"

"You don't need to know." The end of the voice sounded like his person, mysterious and distant.

Cheng Xiang was clawed, but when she rescued someone, she took him away and broke into her space. Is this boss a good guy or a bad guy?

However, the space shook again, and the beep of the system sounded again. Cheng Xiang saw the option of unblocking and hurriedly asked at the information window.

Plain Thirteen Brocades: [You have met a big boss. Although I don’t know who it is, people who practice Taoism will not create karma randomly. Whether you can save him or not depends on fate. He may want something from you. ]

Cheng Xiang was stunned, asking her for what? Is there anything she can leave in the boss’s archive?

Cheng Xiang didn't dare to say too much because he was afraid that the boss's peek would have a negative impact on Chu Xu's situation.

She didn't know when they would come out, so she didn't dare to leave. As time went by, she was worried about the outside world and even more worried about Chu Xu. Everything in her mind was about him. His smile, his fangs, the slight biting of his lower lip when he was deep in thought, his melancholy eyes when he was sad...

He was losing weight day by day, but he actually waited for more than ten days.

When the familiar system warning sounded, Cheng Xiang opened her eyes wide, and she cried with joy when she saw the familiar figure walking out intact.

"It's okay!"

His fingers slid away the tears on her face, and Chu Xu's faint and subtle smile gradually became clear in the mist of tears.

✓The subversive life of a plane farmerWhere stories live. Discover now