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☆ 16. Chapter 16font record

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Chapter 16

Chu Xu raised the corner of his mouth, put down his phone and stared into the distance. The sky was blue and white with clouds. It was a good day with clear sky and bright sun.

Chu Xu: How lucky I am!

Cheng Xiang giggled at the expression she thought Chu Xu would have, and looked at that sentence over and over again while holding her phone. He is really not a romantic person.

Going to work in the space, Cheng Xiang hummed a song and picked out the dug peanuts, watched the recycling system "eat" the peanut plants, and listened to the sound of successful transactions on the shelves. Everything can make people feel happy.

The strawberries she planted grew, and Cheng Xiang watched them blossom and bear fruit, growing from green and astringent to red, and exuding an alluring fragrance. She quickly took them off and ate them one by one with one hand. They were so delicious that she wanted to swallow them with her tongue. There is just too little land, and there is less than a basket of strawberries in total. But after Cheng Xiang picked them, they began to grow and bloom again, and the fruiting cycle was shorter than that of peanuts. Overall, the harvest rate is not bad. Cheng Xiang bought a new piece of land after selling it, so the overall yield became higher.

The next day, after picking strawberries, Cheng Xiang took a basket and went to the vegetable market.

As soon as I walked in, someone looked at the strawberries and asked, "Why are there strawberries at this time? They look quite big." "I

grew them myself. They sell them starting at 28 a pound and 50 two pounds. Do you want to buy them to eat?"

"It's so expensive." Yeah!"

The woman sighed. Cheng Xiang smiled and ignored her. People who intend to buy never ask so many questions. After finding a place to stand on the street without going inside, Cheng Xiang went to the shop owner nearby and bought a handful of plastic bags. At this time, an old man squatted by the side, looked at the strawberries and said: "This basket of yours is beautiful. If I buy two catties, can you give the basket to me?" "

Uncle, this basket is not for sale..."

The old man The uncle was stubborn: "I just like your basket."

"But this basket is worth 60 yuan each, uncle, please stop joking."

Cheng Xiang said this, hoping that the uncle would give up his idea, but he didn't expect the old man to say : "Then you pour the things out, I want a basket."

Is there anything wrong with the old man to buy a basket for 60? Cheng Xiang bulged his eyes.

The old man glared at her: "I'll give you money to buy your basket."

After blinking a few times to make sure he heard correctly, Cheng Xiang moved the strawberries to the white plastic bag. "Uncle, if you regret it, come here to see me tomorrow with a basket."

"I'm not looking for you." The old man put the money into Cheng Xiang's hand, twisted the basket and went to the market to buy vegetables.

Cheng Xiang looked at the strawberries on the ground with great confusion. Has the world changed, or was she wrong from the beginning? This scene is like a word giving back money for money...

"Strawberry, husband, there are strawberries!" A pregnant woman shook the arm of the man next to her.

The man immediately came up and asked clearly: "How to sell strawberries?"

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