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☆ 45. Chapter 45font record

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Chapter 45

Chu Xu: Is it hot at home?

Did he hope she saw it, or did he hope she didn't see it? Cheng Xiang scrawled a few times, and finally decided to deal with it as if he hadn't discovered anything.

Cheng Xiang: It’s so hot that even a fan can’t stay in the house. Where are you?

Chu Xu: Cloudy and muggy. But the air-conditioned room was very comfortable.

Cheng Xiang sent him a pair of contemptuous humming expressions.

Chu Xu: Do you want to come? It’s only a few hours away from the airport. Haven't you always wanted to come to Xi'an?

She also wanted to trick her into delivering it to her door. Although this offer was quite tempting, she was still busy making money. And the Glansta family of three, they should give it a rest if they want to run away!

Cheng Xiang: No, aren't you coming back soon?

She doesn't have the energy to run back and forth. She is born to settle down without moving her legs, and after moving her legs, she doesn't really want to settle down. Once you identify a place, you have less interest in running outside.

Chu Xu: It’s quite far away for me. Can I send you a video?

Cheng Xiang looked at her pajamas. They were of a normal style, short sleeves and shorts. The bedside table was empty, nothing shameful.

She had not seen him for such a long time, and she really wanted to see him. They say they are boyfriend and girlfriend, but they actually spend very little time together. Her girlfriend seems to be too insignificant.

Cheng Xiang: Okay!

As soon as her message passed, the video invitation from the other side came over. Fortunately, she opened a data plan, otherwise she would not be willing to consume data like this.

After it was connected, the video window shook for a while to get used to it. Chu Xu's face was revealed from that side, with soft and fluffy hair. The moment he saw her, his dark eyes were so bright that they seemed to flow into a river of stars.

Cheng Xiang looked at him and giggled uncomfortably. I always feel shy and awkward looking at myself on the screen.

"Why are you covering the camera? It's hard to see, so take your finger away."

Chu Xu asked her to let go, and Cheng Xiang pouted.

"So ugly, this camera changed my picture." How could she be the kind of shy person who just smiles when she sees him. It's definitely the camera's fault.

"Be fair, you're violating this. Hide my girlfriend, I'm in a hurry with you!"

His voice was full of the gentleness of a scholar, his tone was a little curled up, and he sounded unhurried like a velvet It was tangled in my heart.

Cheng Xiang covered her mouth and smiled, leaning on the bedside and said, "Your face is getting thicker and thicker. I remember when you were studying, you would blush after saying a few words to girls."

Chu Xu raised the corners of his mouth. , "You're not careful enough in your observation. In middle school and high school, I only blushed

when talking to one girl." Cheng Xiang's ears burned with a bang. Chu Xu smiled brightly.

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