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☆ 88. Chapter 88 update

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Chapter 88 Update:

Could it be that the child was captured by a strange bird? The faces of the couple became extremely ugly. At this point, even the Public Security Bureau probably doesnt know where to start investigating. Is their child still okay?

The two didn't know what to do, so they sent screenshots of the video to the Internet in desperation, hoping to find some clues about the child with the help of netizens.

There is a WeChat public account for city information in this county. The story of the two was reposted in Moments and quickly uploaded to the public account. Witnesses who had been lucky enough to witness the scene of those alien creatures rescuing people jumped out and posted the video they took.

"It's impossible for them to take away the child. I suggest parents call the police. If they were kidnappers, there would be no need to come out to rescue people in the first place. They could just take them away. Why go around in so many circles."

Some people also made different voices. , "Aren't the ones upstairs being too heroic? Who knows what they want to do. And if this thing appears in the surveillance, is it abnormal in itself?" "The

child was lost at home, don't the parents know? At night I didn't hear any strange noises. Also, in the high-end villa area, ordinary people can't get in. Could it be that someone inside committed the crime?"

There were many comments, but very few offered actual help. But this kind of thing only happens a few times a year in the entire county, not to mention that it has a bit of a supernatural and alien flavor, and it quickly became widely known.

Cheng Xiang had never joined the city's public information account, so she didn't know that Lin Miaomiao's photo had been circulated to almost everyone in the county, and she didn't know that everyone was targeting Lin Miaomiao as the key to finding information about aliens. Otherwise, she could notify Chu Xu in advance and find a way to secretly bring the child back.

In the afternoon, Chu Xu just took his children to the land and asked for the address of Lin Miaomiao's home. He found that it was next to his villa. He sent the person there directly to avoid other accidents.

The security guard of the community saw the two of them and said quickly: "Lin Miaomiao, are you Lin Miaomiao?"

Lin Miaomiao became a little sensitive and suspicious after what happened yesterday. The security guard spoke so urgently that she was so frightened that she hid behind Chu Xu. Only then did the security guard notice that there was another person there.

"Are you with her?" The security guard's tone sounded questioning.

Chu Xu frowned and made an excuse: "I met her on the road."

"Which road? This child's parents are going crazy looking for her."

This meant that he suspected what he had done to Lin Miaomiao. Chu Xu Xu's face turned ugly, and he pointed to the villa in front: "I am also a resident here, don't you recognize me?" The

security guard laughed coldly, "That's right, you are the one we are looking for!" Then he came up without any explanation, Want to twist Chu Xus arm.

Lin Miaomiao was so frightened that she didn't know how to react. Chu Xu prevented her from falling and did not move away. His hand was held down, and it happened to hit his wound, causing veins on his forehead to jump in pain.

"What's going on? Why did you arrest me?" He struggled a few times to see what the security guard was going to do.

"You still have the nerve to ask, come with me to the police station!"

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